



informatization, digitalization, information society, visual communication, smiley, multimedia


Introduction. Digital culture leads to a change in emphasis from substantive supervision, which prompts the search for new and
transformation of existing ways of presenting information, primarily studying the communicative potential of virtual means of
communication. The aim and tasks. The aim of the article is the study of sociocultural characteristics of visual communication in the
conditions of digitalization. Research methods. The most adequate methodological tools are the sociocultural approach, the
comparative method, the hermeneutic procedures of interpretation and understanding, and the method of cultural-semantic analysis. Research results. It has been proven that the prerequisite for building an optimal model of communicative interaction is the visualization of information content that corresponds to the trends of digital culture, and provides an integral interaction of the virtual and the physical. Discussion. The analysis of communicative characteristics of the modern cultural age in the context of digitalization complements the conceptual achievements of theoreticians in formalized issues. This analysis aims to identify the potential of visual means of communication in the current circumstances. Conclusions. The phenomenon of non-verbal communicative interaction in the conditions of digital culture has an ambivalent character: on the one hand, it is a means of adaptation to the sociocultural reality of today, and on the other hand, it serves as a system-forming factor for cultural phenomena of the digital environment


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