


educational space, communication system, globalization, communication, development, education


Introduction. In the era of globalization, integrative processes in various spheres of society began to be considered as the development of economic, information, communication, and educational spaces, giving their importance to the interaction of subjects of social activity within territories of different scales. The aim of the article is to understand modern higher education as a communication system. The tasks are to investigate the specifics of the educational communication space, and the current state of its development. Research methods are general scientific and special methods and approaches used to study the educational space of higher education as a communication system. Among them, there is the systems approach, which is aimed at revealing the integrity of educational objects (educational spaces of different levels), identifying various types of connections in them, and bringing them into a single theoretical picture. Research results. In the era of globalization, the following educational communication spaces are distinguished: global, continental, groups of countries, and countries. Manifestations of these spaces are the exchange of students and teachers and cooperation between higher education institutions of different countries on projects. In the European space, the possibility of cooperation is provided by ICT and other forms of communication. This contributed to educational assistance for immigrants from Ukraine, who are temporarily granted free access to the labor market and educational services of EU countries. Discussion. The creation of an educational space as a communication system should be considered in the context of the advantages and the disadvantages of globalization. It is about the growth of international trade in educational services, which can mean the loss of prestige of national education and the departure of young people from countries in emergencies. Conclusions. The educational space as a communication system is a component of the state, and therefore it is important to look for ways to preserve the monopoly on national culture, language, and educational traditions.


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