
  • Oleh Kubalskyi ДУ «Інститут досліджень науково-технічного потенціалу та історії науки ім. Г. М. Доброва НАН України»



соціально-турбулентний простір, демократизація науки, рівність, різноманітність, відкритість, співробітництво


Introduction. In the minds of socially turbulent global trends, the problems of democratization of all spheres of sustainable life are
gaining new relevance and significance. In this context, especially the role played by the nutrition of the democratization of science in its
epistemic, procedural, and collective manifestations. The article details the conceptual and theoretical analysis of the basic principles of
the democratization of modern science, namely of equanimity, cooperation, diversity and openness. The aim of the research is to
identify the interrelationship of the principles of equal opportunities, cooperation, diversity, and openness as principles of
democratization of science. Research methodology. The democratization of science is carried out on the basis of the tradition of the
philosophy of pragmatism, in particular, presented in the philosophical methodology developed by John Dewey and Richard Rorty. Of
particular importance is the clear correlation of a person’s behavior with the principles of activity established by him in accordance with
basic values. In the field of science, these are academic values, in particular, the scientist’s ethos, which was classically analyzed by the
American science theorist Robert Merton. Research results. It is said that the democratization of science is based on the principles of
equal possibilities, cooperation, versatility, and openness. The principle of equal opportunities is especially important in the context of
the security of gender equality and the defense of the other categories of citizens in the face of discrimination, as well as for the security
of scientific communication, which is based on the recognition of freedom and equal partnership. Discussion. The principle of diversity,
orientation towards new ideas and alternative points of dawn, reveals the open space for the new. The principle of openness, which is
based on the knowledge of the fact that no one can have a monopoly on the truth, characterizes the right of a free choice of directly
scientific results, the approval of critical thought, honesty and publicity of science. Conclusions. Freedom to choose the subject of
scientific research is the achievement of a free political system, as it is guilty of protecting it for the sake of diversity and creativity. At the
same time, the beginnings of the freedom of science achieve the development of science and of innovations.


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