автентичність, дискурс, горизонт, ідентичність, монадність, ребрендинг, самоідентифікація, трансдисциплінарністьAbstract
The introduction examines the modern phenomena of "diffusion" of personal and social identity and the stages of its formation in the
palimpsests of the network society. The aim of the article is to explore new horizons of identity discourse both in a holistic
transdisciplinary dimension and in the light of rebranding the universalist macroethics. Research methods. The problematics of the
article involves the use of interdisciplinary methods: structuralist-phenomenological, logical-analytical, ethical-axiological, culturalphilosophical,
hermeneutic-ontological and comparative, as well as the methods of "concept history", "pre-understanding",
"commentary", "exegesis" and "interpretation". The results of the study distinguish the paradigmatic levels of identity, such as ethno-
/macroethics, ethics of authenticity, responsive phenomenology and dialogue philosophy as the factors present in the formation of the
concept of "Europeanness". The phenomenon of identity "erosion" is passed through the "matrix of ideologies", with an eye to the
postmodern "carnival logic" in mass digital communication as one of the reasons for the paradox of the devaluation of ethical and rightwing
universalism. The Ukrainian ethics of authenticity / monadity, which posits the ability of the modern subject to personal "selfdevelopment",
appears as a demonstrative prism for the constitution of the discourse of identity. At this level, an individual, acquiring
social and cultural self-identification, emerges as a person capable of adequately representing his/her era, time, nation. The discussion
outlines modern polylogues among different dimensions of identity paradigms, with an emphasis on both the leading criteria for the
formation of a common European identity and the openness of this issue. Considerable attention is paid to the leading criteria for the
formation of personal self-identity and its influence on the formation of identities in the light of axiological, cultural and social
backgrounds. The conclusions demonstrate that modern dimensions of both theoretical and practical researches on the ontology of
identity require a transdisciplinary approach: socio-philosophical, ecological, political-ideological, ethical-axiological, etc. Therefore, the
current discourse of identity – both at the personal level of consciousness (in self-awareness reflections) – and at the collective level of
society (in permanent social communication) is at the stage of formation, creating an open polylogue for the emergence of new currents,
paradigms and discussions.
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