
  • Olena Oliinyk National Academy of Internal Affairs
  • Oleksandr Babikov Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine




correspondence proceedings (special form of pre-trial investigation), principles of criminal procedure, guarantees of criminal proceedings


Objective: clarification of the essence of the institution of absentee conviction under the new criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine. Research methods: the research was conducted using general scientific methods, such as dialectical analysis and synthesis, abstraction, etc. and special methods by which the authors explore the essence of the institution of absenteeism under the new criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine. Results: the article clarifies what novelties the institute of absentee conviction has brought to the procedural legislation, its shortcomings and risks in the process of implementation of these provisions by law enforcement agencies have been revealed. It is determined what basic principles can be violated during the application of the norms governing the application of the institution of absentee conviction. It is emphasized that the right to participate in the trial is one of the most important rights granted to the defendant during the court proceedings. The possibility of considering proceedings in absentia is important primarily in cases of crimes that have gained considerable publicity, and open and public investigation of the circumstances of their commission is of great public importance. In addition, such a procedure must be objective, exclusive, clearly regulated by law and provide guarantees of fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms. It is proved that the procedural institution in question has significant shortcomings, its application may call into question the existence of adversarial criminal proceedings and its democracy. Discussion: research of the essence and clarification of the significance of the institute of absentee conviction for the formation and further development of the criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

Olena Oliinyk, National Academy of Internal Affairs

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor

Oleksandr Babikov, Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Procedure


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How to Cite

Oliinyk, O., & Babikov, O. (2021). SPECIAL FORM OF PRE-TRIAL INVESTIGATION (ANALYSIS OF CHANGES TO THE CURRENT CPC OF UKRAINE). Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(61), 204–209. https://doi.org/10.18372/2307-9061.61.16371



Criminal Law and Criminology