About the Journal
The legal journal covers the results of research by scientists of the university and leading research institutions of Ukraine and foreign countries on topical issues of air, space and other areas of law. For researchers, research and teaching staff, doctoral students, graduate students and applicants for higher education.
Language of publication: Ukrainian, English.
Frequency: 4 times a year
Editor-in-Chief: Sopilko Iryna Mykolayivna
Executive Secretary: Yurinets Yulia Leonidivna
"Scientific works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law"
ISSN: 2307-9061 (Print)
ISSN: 2663-3949 (Online)
Goals and issues. Journal "Scientific works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law" is a peer-reviewed legal journal that publishes original scientific and review articles by authors from around the world on current issues of modern legal science. The priority tasks of this publication are: publication of research results on expansion and modernization of research in the field of jurisprudence, qualitative growth of professional skills of lawyers, assignment of practicing lawyers to discuss and resolve important issues in all branches of jurisprudence, with the latest methods of teaching legal disciplines, the integration of Ukrainian legal science and education in the world educational and research space. Given the specifics of scientific research, due to the peculiarities of training lawyers for the aerospace industry, the scientific journal has a section where the results of research in international space law, international air law, national legislation on legal regulation of aviation and space activities, corresponding to its thematic direction. More about this in the section
Professional registration in the SAC of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine of April 14, 2010 № 1-05 / 3 Scientific works of the National Aviation University. Series: Legal Bulletin "Air and Space Law" is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, which may publish the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences in the field of "Legal Sciences"; in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated May 12, 2015 № 528 re-registration was carried out and included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of March 17, 2020 № 409 "On approval of decisions of the attestation board of the Ministry on the formation of the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine of March 6, 2020" Scientific works of the National Aviation University. Series: Legal Bulletin "Air and Space Law" is one of the scientific professional publications of category B in which the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Science in specialty 081 - Law can be published.
Founders of the publication: State Non-Commercial Company «State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute»
Certificate of state registration: KV № 10494 dated 11.10.2005
Year of foundation: 2005
Frequency of issue: 4 times a year.
Publication languages: Ukrainian, English.
Editor-in-Chief: Sopilko Iryna Mykolayivna, Doctor of Law, Professor
Executive Secretary: Yurinets Yulia Leonidivna, Doctor of Law, Professor
The editorial board of the scientific journal includes well-known Ukrainian and foreign scientists from Italy, Germany, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia
Open access policy. The journal adheres to the policy of open access, supporting the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and global exchange of knowledge for the general social progress. This means that all its content is freely available to users for free.
Indexing. Journal "Scientific works of the Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law"
is indexed by international databases and catalogs:
E-mail: pravo@nau.edu.ua
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Of Ukraine
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Peer Review Process
The peer review procedure (expert assessment) is carried out to ensure a high scientific and theoretical level of the journal"Scientific works of the Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Legal Bulletin "Air and Space Law"The purpose of the review is to facilitate the careful selection of author's manuscripts for publication, to provide an objective assessment of the quality of the submitted material, as well as to determine the quality of its level of compliance with scientific, literary and ethical standards. All reviewers must be objective and adhere to the provisions of the Publication Ethics section.
Taking into account the requirements for professional publications of Ukraine (order of the Ministry of Education and Science № 32 of 15.01.2018), the article is reviewed by a scientist who has a degree and conducts research in a specialty that corresponds to the subject submitted for publication. less than three publications in scientific publications included in category "A" and / or category "B" of the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, and / or in foreign publications indexed in Web of Science Core Collection and / or Scopus databases, published in the last five years:
- "Scientific works of the Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Legal Bulletin "Air and Space Law" follows the "double-blind" review, according to which expert evaluation is carried out anonymously for both the reviewer and the authors.
- Scientific articles prepared in accordance with the section of the Guide for authors who have passed the initial control in the editorial office are allowed to the peer review stage.
- The initial examination of a scientific article is carried out by the editor-in-chief or a member of the editorial board of the journal by a specialist in this field of law.
- In case of compliance with the requirements for publication of the journal, the manuscript is submitted to the technical editor, who provides the article with a registration code and removes information about the author or authors (the process of coding the article).
- The coded article is sent by e-mail to the member of the editorial board responsible for the scientific direction of the content of the article, as well as to external reviewers.
- The member of the editorial board and external reviewers to whom the coded article was sent, fill in the standard forms of the review and choose one of the options:
- Accept for publication without changes;
- Accept for publication after making minor changes;
- Accept for publication after significant changes (additional review)
- I do not recommend for publication
- In case of refusal or need for revision, the reviewer must provide a written reasoned explanation of the reasons for such a decision. An independent research expert should review the manuscript within two weeks of receiving the article.
- Recommendations of reviewers are sent by e-mail to the technical editor. Articles that need to be revised are sent to authors with specific recommendations for improving the quality of the material without identifying the reviewers.
- The revised version of the article is sent to the editorial board for re-examination and review. In case of repeated negative review results, the article is rejected and is not subject to further consideration.
- The average review time of manuscripts is -14 days.
- The final decision on the publication of the article is made at a meeting of the editorial board, which takes into account the reviews received and reports of plagiarism.
- The decision of the editorial board is communicated to the author. The editors of the journal do not enter into discussions with the authors of the rejected articles.
- Further work with the article, which was accepted for publication, is carried out by the editorial board in accordance with the technological process of preparation of the journal.
- Reviews and recommendations for each article are stored in the electronic edition for 2 years from the date of publication of the journal in which the peer-reviewed article is published.
Scientific journal
Referee’s report/рецензія
Paper #
Please denote one answer of each of the following questions and the overall recommendation (use ‘X’ mark for evaluation)/ Оцініть публікацію (за допомогою позначки “Х” у відповідній колонці) та дайте загальну рекомендацію
General judgment/ Загальна оцінка публікації |
Незадо-вільна |
Below average
Нижче середньої |
Середня |
Добра |
Very good
Відмінна |
1. |
The author is familiar with the existing state of research/ Автор(-и) ознайомлений із досліджуваним об’єктом |
2. |
The topic is relevant to the journal section/ Об’єкт дослідження відповідає рубриці журналу |
3. |
This is a new and original contribution/ Публікація є оригінальною, у ній наявна новизна |
4. |
The title is appropriate/Назва публікації є коректною |
5. |
The abstract and keywords are adequate/ Резюме та ключові слова відповідають поставленій проблемі |
6. |
The presentation of material is logical and technically correct/ Матеріал публікації викладений послідовно і акуратно |
7. |
The interpretations and conclusions are sound and justified by the results/ Представлені інтерпретація та висновки є логічними та підтверджені результатами досліджень |
8. |
The writing style (in English) is clear and understandable/ Стиль статті (англійською мовою) чіткий і зрозумілий |
9. |
The paper is of the right length/ Обсяг публікації відповідний |
10. |
The references are adequate/ Використано коректну й відповідну літературу |
Overall recommendation/Загальна рекомендація
Acceptable without any changes/ Прийняти до публікації без змін |
Acceptable with minor modifications/ Прийняти до публікації після внесення несуттєвих змін |
Major revision: needs to be re-written and re-evaluated/ Прийняти до публікації після внесення суттєвих змін (додатково рецензувати) |
Unacceptable/До публікації не рекомендую |
In the comments, the reviewer motivates the reduction of the assessment in certain areas of the overall assessment of the publication
Apparatus of reviewers:
Büngenberg Mark, PhD, Professor, European Institute of the University of Saarland, Director of the European Institute, Germany
Email: bungenberg@europainstitut.de
Long Joel - Associate Professor, Lecturer in Family Law, Coordinator of the Legal Clinic for Children's Rights, University of Turin, Italy
Email: civilne@meta.ua
Marek Mozgawa - Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law and Administration, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Republic of Poland
Email: mmozgawa@poczta.umcs.lublin.pl
Vyshnovetska Svitlana Vasylivna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Email: vyshnsv@ukr.net
Guliyev Arif Jamil ogli, Doctor of Law, Professor, Ukraine
Email: arifguliyev@ukr.net
Rostyslav Andriyovych Kalyuzhny, Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Email: tidp.kaf.nau@gmail.com
Pivovar Yuriy Ihorovych, Doctor of Philosophy in Law (Ph.D), Professor, Supreme Court of Ukraine, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Email: pyvovaryi@gmail.com
Tolkachova Iryna Anatoliivna, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Ukraine
Email: sharm05@ukr.net
Ustinova Irina Petrovna, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Email: kafedra92@ukr.net
Yurynets Yuliya Leonidivna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Email: iurynetsjulia@ukr.net
Yamnenko Tetyana Mykhailivna, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Email: kafedra92@ukr.net
Lykhova Sofiya Yakivna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Email: sofia.lykhova@gmail.com
Lantsedova Yuliya Oleksandrivna, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Email: lua1906@gmail.com
Rybikova Anna Volodymyrivna, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Email: arybikova@ukr.net
Makeeva Olena Mykolayivna, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Email: maklena72@ukr.net
Olena Oliynyk - Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Legal Department of the Training Center of Prosecutors of Ukraine
Email: lenaoleynyk2011@ukr.net
Matviychuk Andrii Vasyliovych - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
Email: amvriv06@ukr.net
Zhmur Natalia Volodymyrivna, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic, Air and Space Law, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Email: vdovenko_nataliy@ukr.net
Golovko Svitlana Hryhorivna - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Theory and History of State and Law, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
E-mail: Svitlana Golovko golovkos@ukr.net
Ryabchenko Yurii Yuriiovych - Professor, Department of Private Law, State Tax University, Doctor of Law, Professor, Ukraine
Email: 0971713748@ukr.net
Lutskyi Roman Petrovych, Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of King Danylo University, Ukraine
E-mail: roman_lutskii@ukr.net
Mushenok Viktor Vasylovych, Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law, Faculty of International Trade and Law of the State University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
E-mail: mushenook@gmail.com
Shynkaruk Anastasia Ivanivna, candidate of legal sciences, private notary of the Kyiv City Notary District, Ukraine
E-mail: shunkarukn@ukr.net
Sopilko Iryna – Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of the Faculty of Law, National Aviation University (Chief Editor), Ukraine
Yurinets Yuliya – Doctor of Law, Professor, Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University (Executive Secretary), Ukraine
Bungenberg Mark – Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of the European Institute of Saarland University, Germany
Vyshnovetska Svitlana – DSc (Law), Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Law and Trial of the Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Dniprov Oleksiі – Doctor of Law, leading researcher, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Ukraine
Kaliuzhniy Rostislav – DSc (Law), Professor, a deputy dean of the scientific study of the Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Korotiuk Oksana – Doctor of Law, Private notary Kyiv City Notary District, Ukraine
Koroshets Domian – Doctor of Law, full professor, Professor of the Law Faculty in the University of Liubliana, Slovenia
Lykhova Sophia – DSc (Law), Professor, Head of Department of Criminal Law and Process of the Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Ukraine
Long Joelle – Assistant Professor, lecturer in Family Law, coordinator of the Children’s Rights Law Clinic, Law Department, University of Turin, Italy
Mozgawa Marek – DSc (Law), Prof. dr hab., Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Law and Administration Faculty of the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Republic of Poland
Panova Oksana – Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure of the Law Faculty of the National Aviation University, Ukraine
Cvorovic Dragana – PhD, Assistant professor, University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade, Serbia
Shkliar Serhii – Doctor of Law, Lawyer, co-founder of Arzinger, Ukraine
Jakulin Vid – Ph. D., Full Professor, University of Liubliana, Faculty of Law, Slovenia
A publication ethics and publication malpractice statement
Legal journal «Scientific works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal «Air and Space Law»
(composed using the Publishing ethics resource kit and in compliance with Elsevier recommendations)
Ethics of publications
Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal "Scientific works of the Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Legal Bulletin "Air and Space Law"
is guided in its work by international ethical rules of scientific publications, including rules of decency, confidentiality, supervision of publications, accounting for possible conflicts of interest, etc.
In its activities, the editorial board is guided by the recommendations of the Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications, as well as guided by the provisions of Article 42 "Academic Integrity" of the Law of Ukraine "On Education" and recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. education ", as well as takes into account the important experience of reputable international journals and publications.
In its activities, the editorial board adheres to the following rules to support publishing ethics:
Adherence to the following principles of scientific publication: objectivity, professionalism, scientific, encouragement of innovative and promising developments; loyalty to all participants in the creative process involved in the creation of the magazine; use of double-blind peer review, selection of professional reviewers; work with authors, taking into account their suggestions, agreeing with the author, editorial proofreading made in the article; compliance with the requirements of international databases in the design of materials received by the editorial office; do not delay the issue of the magazine.
The editor and the editorial board do not disclose information about the submitted manuscripts (authors, topics, texts, etc.). Any manuscript received for review is considered a confidential document. The editor and the editorial board undertake not to disclose information about the accepted manuscripts to all persons, except for the authors, reviewers, other scientific advisers and the publisher.
Conflict of interest
In order to avoid violations of publishing ethics, it is necessary to avoid conflicts of interest of all parties involved in the process of publishing the manuscript. Conflicts of interest arise if the author, reviewer or member of the editorial board has a financial, scientific or personal relationship that may affect their actions.
Unpublished materials should not be used in any research by the editor, reviewers or others without the written consent of the authors.
Editors and reviewers undertake to refrain from reviewing manuscripts in the event of conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative, and other interactions and relationships with authors, companies, and possibly other organizations related to the manuscript.
The Editorial Board undertakes to take appropriate appropriate measures in the event of conflicts and claims related to the considered manuscripts or published materials.
The journal may address claims or suspicions of wrongdoing in relation to research or publications raised by readers, reviewers, or others. In addition, the editorial board reserves the right to inform readers about the resolution of conflict situations.
Regulations on publishing ethics
1. Responsibility and duties of the Editorial Board.
The decision on the acceptance of articles to the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board of the Journal reserves the right to accept articles for publication or to refuse the author’s publication. When deciding whether to accept or reject an article, the Editorial Board is guided by the Journal’s policy (compliance with scientific specialization), the basic requirements for publications, and so on. The Editorial Board has the right to reject/return the article for revision if it does not meet the requirements or accept it for publication unless there are any remarks.
The Editorial Board accepts scientific works solely based on the content and correctness of their execution regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, political views, ethnicity, citizenship, etc.
The Editorial Board does not disclose information regarding the acceptance or rejection of the article by anyone other than the author(s), co-author(s), reviewers; as well as personal data of authors.
Conflict of interest.
The Editorial Board of the Journal is governed by the Provision on the Refusal to Publish Scientific Articles (Committee of Publication Ethics) when it comes to rejecting an article or correcting an already printed paper. Unpublished materials in an article that has been accepted are not used by members of the Editorial Board for their own research without reference to the author of an already published work. Interesting and useful information from the submitted articles can be used only for familiarization and not used in their own interests. Advertising, reprinting, and other manipulations do not affect the decisions of members of the Editorial Board to accept articles. The Editorial Board of the Journal is obliged to carry out technical, scientific, linguistic editing of accepted articles. The Editorial Board is committed to collaborating and interacting with potential and actual authors of articles, providing them with the necessary assistance and answering their questions
2. Responsibility and duties of reviewers.
Participation in making editorial decisions.
The reviewer assists the Editorial Board in deciding whether or not to publish an article. In addition, the reviewer helps the author in correcting and improving his/her work.
Any scientific work subject to review is considered as a confidential document that is not subject to discussion with third parties.
Reviewing is always carried out objectively. Personal criticism of the authors is unacceptable. Reviewers should express their views clearly with constructive remarks and tips.
Confirmation of scientific sources.
Reviewers should indicate sources, which authors were not mentioned in the work. Any scientific data or judgments previously discovered by other authors must necessarily contain references to the work of the author/authors. Reviewers should also check the article on plagiarism and inform the members of the Editorial Board about its availability.
3. Responsibility and duties of authors.
Reports on the reliability of information.
The authors, presenting their research results in the article, must present them in accordance with the requirements for drawing up articles in a clear sequence. Articles should contain a description of the main study and necessarily additional data and links to other works that were used to conduct the study. The presence of false or inaccurate data is unacceptable and is considered to be a violation of publication ethics.
Authenticity and plagiarism.
The authors submitting their articles to the Editorial Board should ensure the reliability of the data presented in their work. In the case of the use of data from other scholars, the authors of the articles should refer to their research in the list of used literature.
Multiple publication of one article.
Authors are not allowed to submit an article for publication that has already been published.
Confirmation of scientific sources.
The authors should indicate (cite) the publication, the data of which was used during the research and the writing of a scientific article.
Authorship of the article.
Co-authors of the article are those who have made a significant contribution to conducting the research, to which the article is devoted. All co-authors must be familiar with and agree with the final version of the publication. All co-authors of the article should be indicated before submitting the work to the Editorial Board.
Mistakes in published works.
If the author of the article finds a significant mistake or inaccuracy in his already published work, he or she should inform the editor or the executive secretary of the Journal in order to find an appropriate solution to this problem (reprinting the journal or publishing the corresponding corrections in another journal).
The process of handling complaints
The complaint is transmitted to the Editorial Board of the scientific journal by the author of the written scientific article (article), the reader, the reviewer in writing.
If the complaint does not receive a satisfactory result, it is forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal
When submitting an ethical complaint regarding a given manuscript or published article, the Chief Editor must take appropriate measures:
- contact with the author of a written scientific work (article) of the manuscript or article;
- due consideration of the respective complaint or claim;
- appeal to relevant institutions and research organizations.
The editor-in-chief of the scientific journal does not consider complaints concerning editorial decisions or criticisms of editorial materials.
Journal History
It is quite easy to understand a desire of every scientist to publish the results of his work, outlined in an article, first of all for the widest possible spreading, the creation of free access to it for readers. There are lots of professional law journals nowadays, but only «Scientific works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal «Air and Space Law» has its specifics and deals with the results of researches in the field of international air and space law, national legislation concerning legal regulation of aviation and space activity. The absence of similar journals that would form a kind of connection between scientists of Ukraine’s and other countries’ air and space law area, imposes great responsibility on editorial board of the journal for the providing researchers with intellectual and scientific platform for the discussion of current problems, making mutual decisions and suggestions regarding their resolving. Moreover, the journal publishes results of researches of beginners, as well as known scientists in various fields of law.
Legal journal «Scientific works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal «Air and Space Law» (Certificate of registration from 11.10 2005) was first time issued in 2006, and from 2007 it is published 4 times a year. In 2010 the journal was added to the list of academic editions of Ukraine, where the results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of legal sciences can be published (Resolution of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine №5 from 2010). In 2015 the journal was re-registered according to the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 12.05.2015, № 528. In accordance with the requirements of the procedure of scientific professional editions’ formation, editorial board of the legal journal consists of 8 doctors of law from Law Institute NAU, 6 doctors of law from other higher education institutions, and 17 foreign scholars, professionals from different fields of law. The fact that editorial board involves foreign scientists contributes establishing a scientific cooperation with higher education institutions of other countries, including in the field of Air and Space Law. The journal has a separate section, where the results of researches in the field of international air and space law, national legislation concerning legal regulation of aviation and space activity are published. From 2010 to 2015, 20 issues of the journal published 574 articles of both well-known law scholars and young scientists who are working on their candidate and doctoral dissertations.
Each issue is examined concerning the possibility of being published in the media of Ukraine and is recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the National Aviation University. According to the procedure of formation of the list of scientific professional editions, the publisher sends its issues to the libraries of Ukraine. All editions of the magazine from the very beginning are available on the site of Library of V. Vernadsky in «Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine» section, as well as on NAU web-site. In addition, starting from 2014 English version of the articles is posted on the web-site of the journal. Editorial Board monitors the compliance with the editorial design of professional scientific publication requirements and mandatory external review of papers. Internal review of articles submitted for publication is done. Articles are published in Ukrainian and English .
Editorial Board of the journal invites scientists, practicing lawyers to the cooperation and offers publication in professional academic edition «Scientific works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal «Air and Space Law».