Prospects of the development of aviation technical justice experts


  • Олег Николаевич Алексеев National Aviation University



justice experts, justice filed, aviation accident, tasks of process justice


The question of creating a scientific research laboratories the tasks of this laboratory will be the formulation of scientific tasks and relevant research developments, training, retraining, certification and re-certification of internal and external experts, the implementation of examinations for resonant accidents, accumulation, processing, systematization of data and the finding appropriate consistent patterns to solve tasks of prevention, as well as improving the base of normative documents.

Formulation of the problem. During of the aviation activity are frequent cases of accidents due to the significant omissions in the legal framework regulating the aviation activity, and excited in these cases, criminal cases, as a rule do not have the prospects of a judicial investigation, much of the business is limited to administrative responsibility, which is based on the findings official investigation, and does not always coincide with the findings of the forensic examination of aircraft maintenance, resulting in recommendations are ineffective and preventive work to prevent accidents in the future.

Presenting main material. Without training aviation specialists of the highest qualification may unwittingly make mistakes, not only decoration, but a legal plan, going beyond its competence. This ultimately compromises made conclusions and requires additional or even re-examination.

While the examination remains the departmental and executed with the assistance of specialists air transport is not certified as a forensic expert examination results depend on the experience and skills of conducting its employees.

Judicial Aviation expert should have sufficient practical experience in the investigation aviation events, which is the foundation for the development of skills during the examination.

This experience can be persons who have qualified pilot, aeronautical engineer, a specialist in the airworthiness and air traffic management must know aviation infrastructure and be able to establish connections between different areas of aviation activity.

Conclusions. At present, the author together with the specialists of the National Bureau of Investigation of accidents and incidents with civil aircraft of Ukraine, with the support of the Research Institute of forensic examinations there is a work for the certification of personnel in "Judicial expert on the study of the circumstances of accidents."

Create lab aviation transport forensic expert to develop modern technologies, will require the involvement of scientists of the highest caliber, the support of government agencies and financial investments.

But the beginning of all - the staff, prepared legally Ph.D and Professors of sciences who possess specialized knowledge in the basic and engineering sciences and transport.

Author Biography

Олег Николаевич Алексеев, National Aviation University

Associate Professor of the Aeronautical Systems Department, Ph.D


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How to Cite

Алексеев, О. Н. (2017). Prospects of the development of aviation technical justice experts. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(42), 7–12.

