
  • Valeria V. Filinovych Національний авіаційний університет



cybercrime, cybersecurity, cyberspace, violation of human rights, cyber environment, protection of citizens’ rights in cyberspace, cyber attack


Purpose: the purpose of the study is to critically evaluate cyber threats and their negative impact on the rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens. The methodological basis of the research comprises philosophical, ideological, general scientific and special methods. Results: most countries of the world are faced with problem of cybercrime. In Ukraine, the corresponding law on cybersecurity has already been enacted, and the country is trying to use its potential to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens from abuse in the cyber environment. The author underlines that the issue of responsibility of state bodies and the state itself for violation of citizens’ rights in the field of cybercrimes should be worked out in more detail at the legislative level. Discussion: improvement of the national legislation in the sphere of cybersecurity on the example of the normative acts of other countries; search for methods and actions to be taken while dealing with the consequences of cybercrimes.

Author Biography

Valeria V. Filinovych, Національний авіаційний університет

кандидат юридичних наук, доцент кафедри цивільного права і процесу юридичного факультету


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How to Cite

Filinovych, V. V. (2020). PROBLEMS OF HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS CAUSED BY CYBERCRIMES AND WAYS TO OVERCOME THEM. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(56), 143–148.

