O. Spengler, dynamic legal theory, legislation, criminalization theory, criminologyAbstract
The purpose of this work is to analyze O. Spengler’s views on the essence of law and legal dynamics in the impact of criminal law and criminology. Research methods: historical, logical, comparative and other. Results: the paper is analyzing A. Spengler’s views on the substance of law and jurisprudence as expressed in Volume 2 of The Twilight of the West. The work is one of the first attempts to explore O. Spengler’s scientific heritage (using the work of foreign researchers) on the understanding of the essence of law and legal dynamics in context of criminal law. The practical value of this work is that it, based on the analysis of foreign sources, formulated conclusions that can be used in context of contemporary jurisprudence and criminalization policies. As in ancient times, when drafting laws, politicians do not pay much attention to the extent to which they reflect the current conditions of life of society, and, accordingly, fulfill their purpose of protecting public life from crime.
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