shrinkage deformation, water, cement, concrete, regression equation, aggregate-structural factor.Abstract
Abstract. Рurpose. The aim of the work is to study the shrinkage of keralite concrete on carbonate sand including under the influence of composition factors. Methodology. The study of shrinkage and creep of keralite concrete on carbonate sand was carried out according to the method of experiment planning. The factors taken as factors are: 1.Cement consumption C, kg/m3 – Х1. 2.Aggregate-structural factor r – Х2. 3.Age of concrete by the moment of loading t0, days.- Х3. Shrinkage strains were determined according to the requirements of [10]. Results. Our experiments and experiments [4; 9; 13; 14; 17] confirmed the known rule about the independence of the effect of cement consumption within the usual norms for obtaining mixtures of the same mobility. Consequently, an increase in cement consumption at constant water consumption leads to an increase in the strength and relative volume of crystalline aggregate, which, like inert aggregate, has a restraining effect on the volumetric changes in the gel accompanied by concrete shrinkage. Water is the cause of moisture-physical phenomena in cement stone causing its shrinkage. Therefore, for the most complete reflection of the influence of composition factors, it is necessary to introduce water consumption into the structure of the dependence. Scientific novelty. The consistent application of dispersion, correlation and regression analyses of the results of experimental studies allowed to establish the structure of dependence between εsc(∞, tw) and the composition factors W, C, r, to determine the coefficients at the regression terms and the necessary static characteristics. Practical significance. Prediction of shrinkage strain limits εsc(∞, tw) is important for their normalisation and further design of concrete compositions. However, the practical use of the regression equation for predicting εsc(∞, tw) is difficult because it only indirectly takes into account the influence of such a factor as the amount of mixing water.
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