


disability, people with disabilities, people with musculoskeletal disorders, people with vision / hearing impairments, residential interior design, digital inclusion, addressability, transformation, ergonomic design, barrier-free environment, universal design, multisensory


The research dedicated to identifying the peculiarities of the formation of a living environment for people with disabilities, in particular, the selection of ergodesign principles of designing such an environment according to the type of disability. The work focuses on the intellectual understanding of the interior, which is based on the individual characteristics of people with a certain type of disability and develops in the direction of the formation of a barrier-free space, taking into account the factors that affect comfort. The purpose of the work is to highlight the principles of ergodesign, effective methods of residential interior design, search for innovative solutions in residential interior design, which will contribute to the creation of a comfortable and safe environment, ensuring physical and informational accessibility of living conditions. Methodology: measurement and visual observation methods were used in the research process. Functional and ergonomic analyses discovered the features of a comfortable interior that would meet the needs of people with disabilities were revealed. Systemic comparative analysis made it possible to identify approaches to the formation of the living environment of a person with disabilities in the direction of ensuring self-service and matching the space to the needs and level of disability. Conclusions and a general humanistic direction of design and ergonomics in ensuring the quality, safety and comfort of the internal environment are made by the methods of generalization, synthesis and forecasting. Results. The location of the problems of ergonomic design of the interior design of the residential environment for the disabled in the context of the nationwide theme of the formation of barrier-free and universal urban environment is determined. The nature of the relationship between the type of disability and the requirements for the formation of a residential interior is defined and described. The principles of ergodesign are highlighted. In the context of the formation of a barrier-free living environment, the main methods of designing such an environment and their influence on the formation of comfort and aesthetics of space are highlighted. The scientific novelty consists in identifying the principles of ergodesign in the design of the living environment for people with disabilities, which are formed on the basis of the analysis of various types of physical and mental disabilities. Practical significance. This work will be useful for designers and planners in order to improve the standard of living and comfort of people with disabilities. The article presents the direction of designing a residential environment, which aims to achieve complete independence of the disabled in meeting their everyday needs.


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