Features of using of ethno sources in the design of modern clothing collections


  • K. Pashkevich
  • V. Ovcharek




Ethno source, Ukrainian costume, arts and crafts, clothing collection, ethno-oriented brand.


In the article methods of development of artistically perfect models of clothes using ethnic sources (folk costume, household items, decorative and applied art, etc.) are considered, the sequence of ethno source transformation into suit forms is determined with the purpose of using for designing modern clothing collections in the ethno style. It is established that the transformation of national motives in the style of modern clothing depends on the purpose of the product and its image characteristics. New design concepts are created by transforming the tectonic principles of form and coloring of the authentic image of the ethno source or by their partial borrowing to create modern artistic images of clothing. The use of ethno sources in Ukrainian and world designers collections is analyzed, the principles of segmentation of the ethno-oriented brand are defined, including demographic, geographical, psychographic and behavioral. Segmentation of an ethnically oriented brand is a necessary process and gives an opportunity to obtain commercial results from the sale of branded goods and services. An interview of Ukrainian women was conducted to determine the relevance of ethno themes among clothing consumers. 64% of the respondents want to see ethnic elements in clothing of a dress-blouse range, 12% - in outerwear, 12% - in shoes and accessories. The signs of clothing in ethno style are singled out, the main of which are the principles of ethno source shaping, the use of natural materials, the use of ancient methods and techniques of decoration, etc. A sequence of analysis of creative ethno sources has been determined in order to identify the basic tectonic principles of their shaping for use for designing modern clothing collections.


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How to Cite

Pashkevich, K., & Ovcharek, V. (2018). Features of using of ethno sources in the design of modern clothing collections. Theory and Practice of Design, (15), 109–123. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.15.13473


