Ethnic factor of forming in detail - spatial environment and objects of design of green tourism of the South region of Ukraine


  • H. Sandik



Objects of design, green tourism, the ethnic factor, the subject-spatial environment, settlers of the Southern region of ХIХ-ХХ centuries.


The article discusses the role of the ethnic factor in the formation of object-spatial environment and facilities design green tourism Pidennoho region of Ukraine. Analyzed the complex ethnic composition of the population and features of object-spatial environment major ethnic groups of immigrants Southern region twentieth century. It is proved that the South Ukraine the processes of natural assimilation. Due to the mutual influence of the cultures of neighboring peoples, the subject-spatial environment of the region underwent certain changes, but the predominant and significant is the South-Ukrainian cultural tradition. Features are certain in detail - spatial environment of basic ethnic groups of migrants of the South region of Х1Х – ХХ. It was found out that ethno design should become the main cultural element in the design of green tourism design objects.


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How to Cite

Sandik, H. (2017). Ethnic factor of forming in detail - spatial environment and objects of design of green tourism of the South region of Ukraine. Theory and Practice of Design, (12), 191–204.


