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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Abstracts 1800 characters and 12-14 keywords after each abstract in the appropriate languages. The annotation text is printed in font 10 pt. italic in one spacing. Before abstract, the surname and initials of the author and the title of the article are given.
  • The text of the article should contain the following elements (highlighted in bold):

    a) statement of the problem;

    b) analysis of recent researches and publications;

    c) the aim;

    d) the presentation  of the main research material;

    e) conclusions of the particular study;

    g) prospects for further research in this field.
  • Literature. The title "Literature" is written in plain text. The sources used are printed in the font of 10 pt. in alphabetical order and should be numbered.
  • The sign © and the author's last name as a footnote  of the first page is printed in the font 11 pt.
  • Date of submission of the article to the editorial office.

Author Guidelines

The main requirements


Format: list A5 (148 x 210)

Fields: mirror, inside - 2.5 cm, all the rest is 1.5 cm

Font: Times New Roman Cyr

the title - capital letters in bold, 11 pt.

the main text - 11 pt.

abstracts, keywords, handwritten signatures - 10 pt., italic

Spacing interval is single

Paragraph - 1 cm


the title - centered without a retreat

the main text - the width of the sheet

Page number - down the center, 10 pt

The minimum size of the article is 10 thousand printed characters without spaces or 8 pages of A5;


Clearly indicate in which compilation to place an article:

Technical aesthetics - T.

Art criticism - M.


File to write in RTF format

The file name is the name of the first author in Latin, the title of the collection:

Ivanenko_Т.rtf; Ivanenko_М.rtf


The payment for the publication is made after the article has been accepted for publication.

Cost of publication: 65 for one black and white page, 75 UAH for 1 color page; Cost of one copy: 130 UAH

Architecture and construction

The section publishes articles on specialties: 191 - Architecture and urban planning; 192 - Construction and civil engineering

20 Landscape Art

The section contains publications in the direction of 206 - Horticulture

02 Culture and art

The section contains publications in the following areas:

022 Design

023 Fine arts, decorative arts, restoration

Privacy Statement

Імена та електронні адреси, які вказуються користувачами сайту цього журналу, будуть використовуватись виключно для виконання внутрішніх технічних завдань цього журналу; вони не будуть поширюватись та передаватись стороннім особам.