Оptimization of interactions in system «human-dwelling-enviroment» by criteria of psychological comfort (on an example of elite dwelling– classification of luxury dwellings is resulted
Luxury dwellings, psychological comfort, architectural decisions, design decisions.Abstract
On the foundation of the C- space theory of selforganization, psychological types and the conditions of psychological comfort for each of categories are defined. Possible stylistic decisions of luxury dwelling, which were optimized by the psychological comfort factors, are proved.References
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How to Cite
Kovaluov, Y., & Kalashnikova, V. (2014). Оptimization of interactions in system «human-dwelling-enviroment» by criteria of psychological comfort (on an example of elite dwelling– classification of luxury dwellings is resulted. Theory and Practice of Design, (6), 82–87. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.6.9974