



Ornamentalism, Ukrainian traditions, cultural heritage, ornaments, garden symbolism, ornamental gardens, 3D modeling, ethnography, traditional motifs, gardening, cultural identity, ornaments from above.


The article examines the use of Ukrainian ornamentalism in modern landscape design, in particular the creation of gardens with ornamental structures visible from a height. The importance of Ukrainian traditional ornaments as a cultural code that preserves historical heritage and reflects the harmony of man with nature is emphasized. The study is based on the analysis of the symbolism of Ukrainian ornaments, their geometric principles and the application of modern technologies, such as 3D modeling and visualization using drones. Particular attention is paid to the adaptation of Ukrainian motifs to the modern needs of society, in particular in the context of urban and tourist projects. The social and aesthetic significance of such solutions for the popularization of cultural heritage and increasing interest in national traditions in the modern world is substantiated. The results of the study emphasize that the integration of ornamentalism into landscape design contributes to the preservation of cultural identity, creates unique spaces and opens up new opportunities for combining traditions and modern technologies. The purpose of the article is to study the symbolism of Ukrainian ornaments and develop practical recommendations for their integration into modern landscape design through the creation of ornamental gardens. The tasks include: analysis of the geometric principles of Ukrainian ornaments, research of successful examples of the use of ornamentalism in Ukrainian gardens. Methodology for designing gardens visible from a height. The research methodology is based on an interdisciplinary approach that includes the analysis of historical sources, ethnographic research, principles of ornamentalism, and modern 3D modeling technologies. A comparison of Ukrainian ornaments with the principles of geometric organization of gardens of different cultures was carried out. The results of the study demonstrate that the use of traditional Ukrainian ornaments in garden design contributes to the preservation of cultural identity and the adaptation of national motifs to modern landscape needs. Recommendations are formulated for the integration of ornamental structures into different types of gardens (private, public, tourist). The scientific novelty lies in the first proposed methodology for using traditional ornaments in the design of gardens visible from a height. The study shows how ornamentalism can serve as a tool for preserving cultural heritage and integrating Ukrainian traditions into the global landscape context. The practical significance lies in creating a toolkit for designing ornamental gardens based on Ukrainian symbolism. The developed recommendations can be used by landscape designers, architects, and also in tourist projects to increase attractiveness.


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