


graphic design, generative ai, digital picture book design, stimulation, perception, resonance, project object.


Abstract. The purpose. This research aims to the operation and role of generative AI in human-AI co-creation, with digital picture book design as the creative object. Using stimulation, perception, and resonance as the starting point, construct a human- AI collaboration model, and unleash the potential of emotional design in generative AI applications. Меthodology. By analyzing the current application of generative AI technology in story,image,sound and animation creation, summarizing the different work modes between human and generative AI, and using the three stages of emotional design influence the modeling construction. Results. Based on analysing the current situation of humans working with generative AI, this paper constructs a four-step research framework from stimulation, perception to resonance and feedback based on the three levels of emotional design. Through an analysis of the creation process and feedback from the digital picture book 'Umbrella', this study evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of such collaboration. It identifies respective strengths in both humans and AIs during the collaborative process and highlights a gap in generative AI's understanding of human semantics, which impacts emotional resonance. The study suggests that visual and auditory stimuli can enhance mutual understanding between generative AI and humans through repeated exposure. Finally, it constructs an ideal model for human-AI collaboration to guide further research. Scientific novelty. The research focuses on the human-AI collaboration model and how machine creations can understand humans and achieve emotional resonance. Practical significance. This study provides some reference on the communication pathways between generative AI and human work, and how emerging technologies can understand human emotions in the creative field in the future.


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How to Cite

Li, Y., & Chuprina, N. V. (2025). PERCEPTION, AND RESONANCE: RESEARCH ON GENERATIVE AI IN DIGITAL PICTURE BOOK DESIGN. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 488–497.

