



book design, artistic book design, graphics, illustration, art, culture.


The article is dedicated to the analysis of the work of the prominent Ukrainian artist Leonid Andriyevsky, who made a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian culture and art. It examines his creativity as a book designer, highlighting key moments in the artist's biography and his professional achievements. Previous research on Leonid Andriyevsky's work is discussed, including «Leonid Andriyevsky – Master of the Book» by Yuri Belychko and «The Sorrows and Joys of Leonid Andriyevsky» by Vladimir Pidhora. The article outlines the main aspects of these studies and their contributions to understanding and evaluating the artist's work. The analysis presents the results of examining Andriyevsky's creativity, his path to success, and his impact on Ukrainian culture. Key milestones in his career are outlined, emphasizing his professional achievements and contributions to art. The study of Leonid Andriyevsky's work is noted as crucial for understanding his role in Ukrainian art. The concluding section summarizes the article's findings and reaffirms the importance of Leonid Andriyevsky's creativity for Ukrainian culture and art, particularly his contribution to the development of book art and the formation of Ukrainian national identity. Objective. The aim of the article is to conduct a systematic analysis of the work of the renowned Ukrainian artist Leonid Andriyevsky as a book designer. The article focuses on key moments in the artist's biography, his professional achievements, and his contributions to the development of Ukrainian culture and art. It also analyzes previous studies dedicated to Andriyevsky's work, particularly those by Yuri Belychko and Vladimir Pidhora, to enhance understanding and evaluation of his creative legacy. Methodology. The article employs traditional scientific methods of historical analysis, comparative analysis, and system-structural analysis. Results. It has been revealed that Leonid Andriyevsky's contribution to the development of Ukrainian culture and art is extremely significant. He is recognized as a prominent designer who worked on the design of over a hundred publications, including books on the history, art, and culture of Ukraine. Andriyevsky's works have gained national and international recognition due to their exquisite design and skillful combination of text and images. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of this article lies in its examination of Leonid Andriyevsky's figure as a book designer for the first time. Practical significance. The material presented can be utilized in the cultural and educational process for the professional training of graphic designers.


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How to Cite

Petrushevska, K., & Andrievsky, L. (2025). LEONID ANDRIEVSKYI: BOOK DESIGNER. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 404–410. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2024.34.44

