


composition, design, user impact, packaging, consumer choice, aspects, styles in design.


The article analyzes the impact of compositional aspects of packaging design on consumer choice. The peculiarities of the application of compositional principles in the formation of packaging design are considered. It was found that packaging design can be done in a wide variety of styles, depending on the set design tasks, but at the same time it is always based on a deep understanding of composition principles. Purpose. To determine the influence of compositional aspects of packaging design on consumer choice. Methodology. The following methods of analysis were used in the study: systematization and comparison, complex analysis, generalization, which helped to define the main definitions of the topic of study and highlight further ways of influencing the compositional aspects of packaging design on consumer choice. Results. An analysis of the influence of aspects of the composition of designer packaging on product demand was made. It is determined how packaging design affects the health of consumers and the environment, which is important for producers and consumers. The negative impact of manipulative packaging on consumers and the need for a more detailed analysis of the factors that distinguish good marketing from bad are considered. The interrelationship of various styles in the creation of packaging design with the fundamental principles of composition has been revealed. Scientific novelty. lies in the fact that, for the first time, an analytical study of the impact of compositional aspects of packaging design on consumer choice was conducted. Practical significance. The processed information, analysis of found sources and conclusions, presented materials, expanded the understanding of this issue and helped determine the direction for further research regarding the analysis of the impact of compositional aspects of packaging design on consumer choice. The results of the study can be useful in the further scientific search for the impact of the composition of designer packaging on product demand.


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How to Cite

Myerenkov, H., Bulatov, V., & Domanska, Y. (2025). INFLUENCE OF COMPOSITION ASPECTS OF PACKAGING DESIGN ON CONSUMER CHOICE. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 396–403.

