


city culture, visualization techniques, cultural heritage, city brand design, visual identity, city image, city identity, graphic design, logo design, corporate identity.


Abstract. Purpose. This article examines the use of graphical visualization techniques in city brand design for effectively integrating and representing urban culture. It emphasizes the importance of cultural heritage in creating a unique city identity and enhancing its competitiveness on a global scale. Methodology. The research combines a literature review with a comparative analysis of real-life city branding examples. Visual representation techniques are studied in specific cases, such as Arlon, Belgium, and Lviv, Ukraine, where distinctive graphic styles reflect regional characteristics. The analysis covers both figurative and abstract design approaches to understand how each method supports urban culture in the brand-building process. Results. The study shows that integrating urban culture into brand design through graphical visualization strengthens brand identity and emotional connection with residents and visitors alike. Figurative elements, such as landmarks and symbols, highlight historical and cultural features, while abstract designs employ simplified forms to create a modern yet culturally grounded identity. Scientific novelty. The article introduces a new approach to city branding, demonstrating how both realistic and abstract visual techniques can embody the essence of urban culture in city identity design. This research also provides a theoretical basis for understanding the visual language that conveys a city's cultural heritage and contemporary appeal. Practical significance. The research findings offer valuable guidance for urban planners, designers, and policymakers aiming to integrate cultural heritage into branding strategies. By utilizing both design styles, cities can promote their uniqueness and enhance global recognition, supporting tourism and investment.


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How to Cite

Qing, L., & Shmelova-Nesterenko, O. Y. (2025). GRAPHIC VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES AND CITY CULTURE IN URBAN BRAND DESIGN. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 369–377.

