


souvenir design, traditional design methods, multi-sensory experience design, digital media, rural tourism souvenir design, the design object of goods or services, EEI design model.


Abstract. The purpose of the study is to study the design of rural tourism souvenirs under the perspective of experience, and to explore the demand shift of tourism souvenirs. To analyse the elements and ways of experience design of different types of tourism souvenirs, and to explore the design and development process of rural tourism souvenirs under experience economy. Methodology. The trend change of rural tourism souvenir demand, classification, and design application process are analysed through literature research method, comparative analysis method, and case study method. Results. The development process and demand changes of tourism souvenirs are sorted out, and it is concluded that consumers pay more attention to emotional value and interactive experience. Categorisation and analysis of tourism souvenirs under the experience perspective and intervention in the design process of rural tourism souvenirs based on the EEI model provide new ideas for the development process of rural tourism souvenirs under the experience economy. Scientific novelty. The combination of experience theory and tourism souvenir design path is explored, based on the experience perspective, with rural tourism souvenirs as the design carrier, based on the EEI model to derive the rural tourism souvenir design strategy, to provide guidance for the innovation of the design practice part. Practical significance. Through the research on the design path of rural tourism souvenirs, we can effectively solve the problems of homogenisation, loss of cultural connotations and lack of experiential content encountered in tourism souvenirs under the experience economy, and enhance the experiential value of rural tourism souvenirs.


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How to Cite

Ang, L., & Chuprina, N. V. (2025). RESEARCH ON RURAL TOURISM SOUVENIR DESIGN FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF EEI-MODELING. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 360–368.

