


military-patriotic identity, symbolism, graphic techniques, military symbols, visual communication, national images, color palette, typography, emotional influence.


The paper investigates the main elements of visual influence, such as color palette, typography, compositional solutions, and symbolism, aimed at creating an emotional connection with the consumer and emphasizing national identity. It also analyzes the use of military symbols, images, and techniques in graphic design for communicating patriotic ideas and supporting cultural heritage. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to outline the peculiarities of applying Ukrainian symbolism in the design of contemporary military-patriotic identity. The authors explore key visual elements used to form a recognizable and emotionally charged identity in a military-patriotic context. Methodology. The analysis includes a review of scientific research on the topic and literary sources; characterization of symbols and signs; revealing the specifics of their use in infographics and logo structures; analyzing logos in a military-patriotic context at the current stage of practice among Ukrainian designers; determining the peculiarities of the interaction of brand identification means in urban environments; and outlining techniques for reflecting Ukrainian historical and national symbolism in the compositional structure of patriotic logos. Results. The authors analyze the role of symbolism in coats of arms, flags, military attributes, and other iconic images in creating a patriotic mood and enhancing emotional impact on the audience. Particular attention is paid to graphic techniques, including the use of color, typography, compositional solutions, and textures that enhance military-patriotic associations and achieve the transformation of symbolic images. Practical significance. The practical significance of the research results lies in identifying graphic ways to integrate iconic and symbolic elements into the compositional structure of visual communication objects for brands. The results contribute to a deeper understanding of the specifics and role of applying signs and symbols, as well as the peculiarities of their figurative and associative disclosure in Ukraine's military-patriotic identity. Scientific novelty. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of symbolism and graphic techniques used in military-patriotic identity. It systematically organizes the main elements and visual solutions that contribute to the formation of patriotic identity in the contemporary Ukrainian context for the first time. The research reveals the influence of graphic symbols on the emotional perception of the audience and the strengthening of national consciousness. Practical significance. The results obtained may be useful for designers, marketers, and organizations engaged in promoting national values, in creating effective advertising campaigns and visual content that foster patriotic awareness.


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How to Cite

Kravchenko, O., & Bezmelitsyna, K. (2025). SYMBOLS AND GRAPHIC TECHNIQUES OF MILITARY-PATRIOTIC IDENTITY. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 336–343.

