


experience in designing modern multi-level parking lots, lightweight metal structures, specialized parking, specialized parking.


The study aims to develop and theoretically and practically substantiate the principles of designing multi-level parking lots. After analyzing the source base and scientific works on the design of parking lots and car parks in Ukraine, the current state of the problem under consideration was studied and the need to develop principles for the architectural and planning organization of multi-level parking lots, which is the most pressing problem in modern Ukraine, was determined. The article studies the existing world practice of multi-level parking lots. The issues of development of modern multi-level parking lots in Ukraine are considered Objective. To substantiate and identify the main trends in the development of parking lot architecture, as well as their functional purpose; to consider the world design practice. Methodology. To substantiate the results, we used the analysis of literature and foreign experience. Results. The research has shown the following basic principles of designing multi-level parking lots, functional differentiation; barrier-free architectural environment; aesthetic and visual perception; urban planning spatial arrangement; economic efficiency and environmental compensation. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the comprehensive analysis and formation of multi-level parking lots, as well as their impact on the environment. The study covers not only architectural components but also innovative methods of using interactive technologies. Practical significance. The basic principles of designing multi-level parking lots can be used in the practical activities of architects, designers, and leisure organizations, which will allow them to implement creative ideas and effective means of creating a harmonious environment.


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How to Cite

Tsvirkun, D., & Kostiuchenko, O. (2025). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE IN DESIGNING MULTI-LEVEL PARKING LOTS. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 136–145.

