airport, city authorities, business, public, area around the airport, mathematical model, interests, conflict, planning and development of areas.Abstract
The article explores the fundamental principles of a comprehensive approach to planning and developing areas located within airport zones, taking into account flight safety, noise pollution, transportation accessibility, sustainable development, and environmental sustainability. It also examines the impact of airports on the economy, urban infrastructure, and social structure of surrounding settlements, as well as the necessity of introducing new approaches to aviation infrastructure development in response to growing demand for air services. The study aims to develop a comprehensive approach to planning and developing areas and to identify potential solutions for improving planning and development conditions around airports, considering the interests of various urban planning stakeholders. The article focuses on identifying potential conflicts of interest between airports, city administration, businesses, and the public, and on developing approaches to minimize these conflicts through multi-criteria optimization. Achieving this objective ensures the sustainable development of areas surrounding airports, harmonizing the interests of all stakeholders and promoting the rational use of urban land resources. Methodology. Research methods include analysis of literature sources and materials related to the planning and development of areas around airports. Results. The importance of a comprehensive approach to planning and developing areas around airports is studied and emphasized. The article underscores the need to consider not only technical but also urban planning and economic aspects to ensure harmonious development of the territories surrounding airports. Conflicts of interest between different urban planning stakeholders, such as the airport, city authorities, businesses, and the public, are identified. Resolving these conflicts requires careful analysis and compromise decisions. The interests of all parties must be harmonized to ensure sustainable development not only of the adjacent areas but also of the entire settlement. Key development stages that satisfy the interests of all parties involved in urban planning, particularly around airport areas, are identified. These stages include identifying the interests of all parties, conducting open consultations, analyzing possible solutions, assessing consequences, implementing control and feedback mechanisms, long-term planning, and ensuring a legal basis. It is established that a comprehensive approach to managing and planning areas around airports can ensure balanced development of the settlement, considering the interests of all participants and contributing to the improvement of the population's quality of life. Practical significance. The practical value of this research lies in using a mathematical model to analyze and optimize interactions between urban planning stakeholders regarding the use of areas around airports, as well as minimizing conflicting interactions through multi-criteria optimization that considers the interests of all parties and ensures the sustainable development of territories. The proposed model allows for the systematic decision-making process, ensuring the search for compromises that contribute to the harmonization of different interests in the urban planning process.
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