



modular construction, module, modular element, modular prefabricated structures, airport, rapid construction technologies, speed, comfort, practicality, BIM modeling, steel, terminal.


Investigate and justify the trends in the implementation of modular building structures in airport construction. Outline the main factors that influence the choice and constructive application of modular elements in the reconstruction and expansion of airports. Methodology. General scientific methods are used, such as analysis, systematization, generalization, comparison. Remote analysis of objects: scientific publications and articles became the empirical base for conducting scientific work. The results. The article examines the features and advantages of the modular principle of airport construction in comparison with the traditional method of constructing buildings. The main types of modular elements, the process of their manufacture and the peculiarities of connection are outlined. A number of Ukrainian and foreign sources dealing with this problem have been studied. To create an idea of the practical significance of erected modular buildings in airports, foreign examples were considered and analyzed. In particular, the Wilmot modular building complex at Dulles International Airport, the expansion of Concourse D at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, and a fully modular airport in Senegal. It was found that modular technology reduces the impact of construction on the environment, accelerates the pace of construction, saves time and materials. The scientific novelty of this study consists in a comprehensive analysis of the practicality of using modular elements in airports. Also, the study covers the integration of innovative computer technologies at the stage of designing modules and the entire life cycle of the building. Practical significance. The implementation of modular building structures is a promising method of reconstruction and expansion of airports affected by the fullscale invasion of our country, especially when the main criteria are the speed of construction and cost savings.


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How to Cite

Skrebnieva, S., & Vizir, A. (2025). FEATURES OF ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSTRUCTIVE APPLICATION MODULAR BUILDING ELEMENTS FOR AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 92–98. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2024.34.11

