


elderly care, nursing home design, living space, comfort, safety, flexibility, architecture for the elderly, social engagement, ergonomics, environmental integration, assisted living, functional design, psychological comfort.


Purpose. This research aims to analyze the principles of designing living spaces in nursing homes for elderly individuals, particularly those requiring assistance. The study explores the key factors that influence the comfort, safety, and accessibility of residential environments for the elderly. Furthermore, it seeks to provide recommendations for developing ergonomic and functional spaces that enhance the quality of life for elderly residents. The research also focuses on analyzing examples of nursing homes from various countries to identify best practices in architectural design that cater to the unique needs of older adults. Methodology. The research utilized methods of analyzing scientific publications, projects, and regulatory documents in the field of architectural design for the elderly. General scientific methods were applied, including empirical methods (observation, description, selection of illustrative materials) and theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis of collected materials, methods of induction and deduction, comparison, and generalization). Formal-stylistic and morphological analysis methods were used to study architectural solutions in elderly care facilities, such as ensuring space for wheelchair movement, functional zone placement, and the use of lighting to ensure comfort. The scientometric method was used to analyze the experience of designing and organizing spaces in elderly care facilities based on scientific publications, to identify the relevance of certain directions and issues, such as safety in bathrooms, flexible bedroom layouts, and the creation of activity and social interaction zones. Results. The research highlights several fundamental principles for the design of living spaces for elderly people, including the importance of comfort, safety, flexibility, and functionality. It is established that ventilation, lighting, and ergonomic considerations are crucial for creating environments that meet the physiological needs of the elderly. Psychological comfort is enhanced by creating flexible recreational and interaction spaces that promote social engagement and connections with nature. The division of dynamic and static zones within a building helps reduce stress and improve the overall quality of life for elderly residents. Scientific novelty. This research introduces new insights into the integration of architectural and natural environments in the design of nursing homes for elderly individuals. It emphasizes the need for flexible space planning that accommodates the changing physical and social needs of aging populations. By providing a detailed analysis of international examples, the study highlights innovative design solutions that can be applied in nursing homes to improve the living conditions of elderly residents Practical relevance. The research offers practical recommendations for designing and renovating nursing homes, aiming to improve living conditions for elderly individuals needing assistance. These recommendations focus on ensuring safety and comfort and can be integrated into national design standards, helping architects create environments that enhance the well-being and quality of life for elderly residents.


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How to Cite

Jingwen, L., & Olenina , O. (2025). RESEARCH OF THE DESIGN OF RESIDENTIAL SPACE OF HOUSES FOR PEOPLE OF ELDERLY AGE. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 46–54.

