railroad crossings, traffic safety, safety indicators, interchanges at different levels, economic efficiency, environmental performance, travel time, traffic size, road, railroad, intersection.Abstract
The article presents the methodology and results of determining the loadbearing capacity of rigid airfield pavements structures using the ACR-PCR method with the FAARFIELD 2.1.1 software package. Numerical experiments were carried out to determine the load-bearing capacity of rigid airfield pavements using the ACR-PCR method. Purpose. The aim of the work is to develop recommendations for the calculation, design and determination of the load-bearing capacity of airfield pavement structures using the ACR-PCR method. Methodology. Research methods: analysis of literary sources, statistical and experimental data on the most common aircraft operated at Ukrainian airfields, as well as the actual schedule of passenger aircraft at Ukrainian airports in the pre-war period. Results. The design of the airfield pavement was calculated for the action of loads from the most common aircraft operating at Ukrainian airfields. Numerical experiments were conducted to determine the load-bearing capacity of airfield pavements using the ACR-PCR method and models of airfield pavement destruction were developed. Indicators of the residual service life of aircraft pavement CDF were calculated: the total CDF index and the share of each aircraft in the formation of the maximum CDF value. Scientific novelty. The article develops a model of airfield pavement destruction, proposes an integrated approach to assessing the bearing capacity of airfield pavements, which allows selecting pavement designs taking into account the most critical aircraft and a given service life. The results obtained are useful for planning the development of Ukrainian airports and post-war infrastructure rehabilitation. Practical significance. The results of the work can be used to assess the bearing capacity of airfield pavements, rational selection of pavement structures when planning major repairs and reconstruction of airfield runways.
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