


jewelry art, Ukraine, design, name of the piece, folk symbolism, late 20th – early 21st century, folk culture, symbol


The article is devoted to the history of jewellery art in Ukraine in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries: jewellery works by jewellers and designers, the origins of their creative inspiration and the embodiment of their artistic ideas. The themes and titles of the works selected for the study are stylistically inspired by the symbols of Ukrainian folk culture. Рurpose. To study the history of the development of stylistic features of the symbols of folk culture of Ukraine in the jewelry art of the late XX and early XXI centuries in accordance with the names of jewelry pieces. Methodology. The method of art historical analysis was used to study the specifics of the use of symbols of Ukraine during the period of independence in jewelry; the iconographic method allowed to consider and deepen the classification of symbols, motifs and plots of Ukrainian culture reflected in contemporary jewelry; the method of historicism highlighted the trends in the development of jewelry design with symbols of Ukrainian culture in the period. Results. An art historical analysis of jewellery created by Ukrainian designers and craftsmen in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries shows a growing interest in the symbolism of Ukrainian folk culture among jewellers, designers, and among the demands of the audience and clientele. A successful combination of an embodied artistic idea with a name that reflects Ukrainian folk symbolism has a great artistic impact on the audience and contributes to its aesthetic education. The results of the study have theoretical and practical significance for the history of art and design development. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the history of the development of symbols of Ukrainian culture in the design of jewelry art of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries in accordance with the names of jewelry pieces is studied. The peculiarities of using folk symbols of Ukrainian culture in jewelry of the period of independence are considered. The list of modern jewelry and its names with the design of folk Ukrainian symbols is clarified and supplemented. Practical relevance. The results of the study can be offered for further scientific research on the history and development of jewellery art in Ukraine, as well as used as materials for studying the history of art and design in vocational and higher education institutions.


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