


design typology, design discourse, design thinking, design concept, design education, glossary


The purpose is to analyze terminology in different types of design using general and special research methods in historical dynamics and following the stated topic. The study’s relevance is to comprehend the theoretical state of design for the further effective development of design education at all levels, as well as to increase positive value orientations in society and the aesthetic level of design concepts. Methodology. The integrative nature of design activity determines the multimodal approach as the main one with the corresponding scientific research methods, including system-structural, functional, sociocultural, axiological, art-historical, synergetic, semiotic, praxeological, method of theoretical generalization, etc. Results. Design discourse is presented as a type of communicative activity, that takes place in the world cultural space, actively forms visual semantic constructions, and specifies professional terminology. The stages of design development, namely, pre-design (canonical, protodesign) and actual design (project activity) are briefly considered. In determining the designer’s professionalism according to the requirements of modern competitive market, three important components are distinguished, including purely professional (design) training, sociocultural, and marketing aspects. The scientific novelty consists of conducting a comparative analysis of existing definitions in the field of design based on Ukrainian and foreign sources, as well as highlighting the general prospects of design areas development, taking into account computer technologies, the latest approaches, and materials. Practical value. The specification of terminology will allow higher education students to use it more clearly and consciously when writing abstracts for student conferences, scientific articles, and final qualification papers. As a significant contribution to the Design Theory, the illustrated online glossary is proposed as necessary modern lexicographic resource for all levels of design education.


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