


Ukrainian art, Ukrainian fine arts, Ivan Marchuk’s oeuvre, painting, drawing, “pliontanism”, line, spacetime, string theory, holographic principle


The uniqueness of the creative method of the Ukrainian artist Ivan Marchuk is studied in the context of the development of modern scientific thought. The goal of the article is to deepen the outlined parallels between the understanding of spacetime in the concept of “Pliontanism” by Ivan Marchuk and the emergence and formation of the concepts of theoretical physics and philosophy of the last third of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century. The principle of interdisciplinary and integrated approaches is used to study the peculiarities of Ivan Marchuk’s creative method in its connections and relationships with modern scientific ideas. The methods used are: historical and chronological; biographical; historical and comparative and art historical analysis. The results. The work of Ivan Marchuk demonstrates a synergistic unity in the contemporary search for art and science. The formation of “ Pliontanism” as an original method of Ivan Marchuk reveals the artist’s interest in reproducing the modern scientific understanding of the spacetime continuum. The line is conceived by the artist as a direction of energy movement that fills the entire universe. The absence of the beginning and end of the line, its energy potential fulfills the task of embodying the world’s multidimensionality. Scientific novelty. The work of the Ukrainian artist Ivan Marchuk as a representative of postmodernism demonstrates the correspondence between the processes of art development and scientific concepts of the period. Ivan Marchuk is primarily interested in the study of the processes of formation and interaction of forms as special parts of space, rather than the existence of completed static objects. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used for further research of Ivan Marchuk’s oeuvre and Ukrainian fine art of the last third of the 20th – first quarter of the 21st century, as well as for updating the principles of teaching professional cycle disciplines in higher art education institutions, enriching the understanding of the theoretical foundations of visual art by art students.


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