


content, attention, engagement, interface, ergonomics, design, multimedia


The question of creating a multimedia design based on researches of various types of interaction and its communicative component through the identification of patterns and design models for effective implementation in the design practices of this direction is considered. Purpose. Purpose of the article is to determine the main directions of the search for methods of studying modeling of user interaction and multimedia environment with further research of promising methods for their use in design practice. Methodology. The research methodology is based on the directions of initiation, attraction, involvement, anthropologization and meta-anthropologization during user interaction in a multimedia environment. Results. Studies of the user interface in multimedia design allowed us to hypothesize that the development of this field was initially aimed at reproducing aspects of interpersonal interaction. However, before starting work with the methodology, a preliminary study of various experiences of «anthropologizing» in interaction with a visual representative of digital information was conducted. This research has shown that this path is unlikely to lead to the fact that at the final stage of development, interfaces and multimedia will be completely analogous to human communication. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the definition of current research methods for modeling user interaction and multimedia environment, taking into account the trends of these areas of design creation. Practical relevance. The practical significance of this research lies in the possibility of using the obtained results in the development of educational and professional programs for the training of specialists in the specialty «Design» in the areas of interactive and multimedia design. The introduction into the teaching program of a theoretical and practical model of user interface design with the corresponding stages according to its characteristics, considered in this study, has a direct applied component, which will allow creating effective methods of targeting and differentiating the necessary connections for a positive perception by the user during interaction with users of various types of immersive realities.


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