



architecture, architectural environment, university, university campus, student town, functional-spatial organization, typology, architectural-planning organization, compositional analysis, National Technical University of Ukraine «Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»


In chronological order, the key stages of the formation, development and construction of the National Technical University of Ukraine «Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» are indicated, the historical prerequisites and foundations of the campus formation are revealed. A compositional and functional analysis of the architectural and planning organization of the campus was conducted, and its features were identified. The results of the study are the basis for the development of recommendations for the formation of the architectural and planning organization of university campuses of Ukraine. The purpose of the study. To study the peculiarities of the architectural-spatial and functional-planning organization of the KPI campus, as an example, to determine the architectural-planning organization of the campuses of Ukraine. Methodology. Historical analysis, analysis of bibliographic sources, comparative analysis, compositional and functional analysis of the architectural and planning organization of the campus. The results. The historical analysis revealed 2 main stages of the development of the KPI campus. The first stage (end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century) – the creation of the institute and its construction, as a response to the shortage of qualified personnel with higher technical education. The II stage (1970s–1980s) was a rapid expansion of the institute’s capacity due to the need to train a significantly larger number of specialists in technical specialties, and the further development of the university campus was supposed to solve this infrastructural problem. Scientific novelty. The peculiarities of the architectural-spatial and functional- planning organization of the KPI campus at the stage of formation and at the stage of active development were studied. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used to further determine the architectural and planning organization of campuses in Ukraine.


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