


Shopping and Entertainment Center, Spatial Transformation, Adaptation of Space to Modern Environment, Innovative Technologies


The purpose of this study is to analyze and examine the transformations of modern shopping centers in developed countries, which are adapting to the new cultural and spatial demands of cities. The authors aim to highlight the importance of creative changes in the architectural design and infrastructure development of shopping centers, with a focus on the creation of green spaces, the integration of cultural and entertainment facilities, and the promotion of sustainable urban development. Research Methodology includes: • Analysis of trends and changes in the architecture of shopping centers: The authors conducted a review of the transformations of shopping centers in developed countries. Particular attention is given to the impact of technological progress and digitalization on the changes in the architectural environment. • Study of the impact of innovations and new technologies: The study analyzes the changes in the spatial and volumetric solutions of buildings and structures, driven by information technologies and the development of the internet economy. • Comparative analysis of international experience: The research examines the experience of developed countries in adapting urban environments to new cultural and spatial requirements. • Assessment of the implementation of new functions in shopping centers: The study explores new functional zones, including green spaces, cultural, and entertainment facilities, which are being integrated into modern shopping centers. • Evaluation of sustainable development: The role of sustainable development is analyzed in the context of urban transformation, including the adaptation of shopping centers to environmental requirements and the integration of cultural aspects. This comprehensive approach allows the authors to cover various aspects of the transformation of shopping centers and their impact on the development of urban environments. Research findings indicate the continued evolution of shopping centers, with a focus on the psycho-emotional comfort of visitors. Modern trends in the spatial transformation of shopping centers emphasize the creation of environments that are as close to nature as possible and meet the demands of both sustainability and comfort, promoting a harmonious experience for people in these spaces. Scientific novelty. New approaches to the transformation of shopping centers in the context of contemporary cultural and spatial changes in cities have been identified. The research demonstrates how innovative architectural solutions and creative spatial models can address the current needs of the urban environment. Problems and challenges faced by architects and urban planners in the process of spatial transformation of shopping centers, particularly in the context of Ukraine, considering international experience, have been outlined. Practical significance. The practical significance of this study lies in providing valuable recommendations for architects, urban planners, and shopping center owners on how to adapt existing structures to modern cultural and spatial requirements. The research highlights the importance of creative approaches to architectural design and the integration of new functional areas, such as green spaces, cultural venues, and entertainment facilities. This will contribute to the development of comfortable and sustainable urban spaces that meet the needs of today’s population. The obtained results can be used for the restructuring and revitalization of shopping centers in Ukraine, enabling them to effectively respond to the challenges of the modern urban environment.


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