


harmony, garden, landscape art, landscape architecture, means of harmonisation, contrast, nuance, rhythm, axial symmetry, balance, law of unity, law of subordination, scale, proportion


Based on the analysis of the implementation of the laws of harmony and the means of harmonisation in historical gardens, the article reveals the temporal changes in the views of artists on the role of plants in ensuring a sense of harmony in the garden. For this purpose, the article analyses the development of landscape gardening art from ancient times to the XX century. It is shown that the artists of Eastern civilisation learned to use plants locally in ancient times with a basic consideration of the law of balance/equilibrium to form axes in garden spaces. The issue of harmony in the gardens of Ancient Egypt is considered. It is shown that plants in them played a utilitarian role in providing the owner of the plot with fruit. It is demonstrated that in the ancient times of the ancient Greeks and Romans, the role of ornamental plants in the harmonisation of gardens was reduced mainly to emphasising the symmetry of paths, squares, etc. The means of harmonising Renaissance gardens are analysed. It is shown that the main inventions of this era were symmetrical parterres with perfect geometric patterns and an understanding of the need to coordinate the scales of spaces. The first successful attempts to incorporate flowers into garden design, usually against the background of buildings and retaining walls, are associated with this period. The issue of using the laws of harmony and means of harmonisation in the classical gardens of the seventeenth century is revealed. It is shown that in these gardens, artists already skilfully used the law of balance and the law of unity and subordination with a special emphasis on symmetry and the constant use of topiary. The aspects of harmonisation of English gardens are analysed and it is shown that in them artists also consciously worked with the laws and means of harmonisation, but with an emphasis on asymmetry, and for this purpose they made the most of the natural forms of trees and bushes. It is shown that the solution of the centuries-old problem of using flowers in the garden can be associated with the gardens of modernists. Goal. Through the analysis of the basic principles of harmonisation of gardens of different eras and peoples, comparison and identification of their common and distinctive features, as well as consideration of the basic laws and means of harmonising compositions in gardens, to establish historical changes in the role of plants in creating a holistic and harmonious garden. Methodology. Theoretical methods of research, analysis of scientific publications, literary and Internet sources; analysis of world-famous monuments of landscape gardening art were used. Scientific novelty. Based on the analysis of the implementation of the laws of harmony and means of harmonisation in historical gardens, the sequence of historical changes in the views on the role of plants in ensuring a sense of garden harmony is established. Practical significance. Coverage and research of this topic opens up great opportunities for personal development and practical use of knowledge in the field of landscape architecture.


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