Oleh Denysenko, gessography, semiotics of sacred images, symbolAbstract
The article is devoted to the creative activity of the Lviv artist Oleh Denysenko, his experiments in various art forms. Some of the works from the artist’s oeuvre on religious and historical subjects, made in the patented modern technique, which includes painting, graphics and sculpture (gessography), are highlighted. The basic techniques of the technological process of performing creative works in the latest technique are revealed. The author’s skill in combining graphics with levkas, traditionally inherent in iconography, is determined, and the main methods of working with color are indicated. The artistic and stylistic features of the images full of sacred meaning are analyzed. Purpose. The possibility of interpreting sacred themes and transmitting the basic principles of faith through an artwork is revealed. Methodology. The research methodology is based on the axiological, hermeneutical and comparative methods of studying the author’s creative activity; the semiotic method of analyzing works is used to identify the sign system of the artist’s plots. Results. The sign elements introduced into the work are systematized, their semiotic content is revealed. The figurative series and the sign system in the artist’s work, which is enhanced by the technical methods of image making, are considered. The author emphasizes the conscious interpretation of the plot enriched with symbolic «religious responses». Scientific novelty. The study establishes the identity of the plots and images of the artist’s works with the fundamental categories of iconography of images that are the basis of the beliefs of different faiths and cultures. It is noted that in the artist’s creative activity, the semantic load of the works is enhanced by the plasticity and texture of the surface of the base, which create a visual volume and enhance the perception of the content of the plot layer. Practical relevance. This study will allow to establish the affinity of the author’s works with religious plots on the main themes of the Christian faith.
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