


inclusive design, intolerance, people with disabilities, headlines, mass media


The article highlights the issue of inclusive design requirements and manifestations of intolerance in media headlines regarding people with disabilities. Tolerance is a special issue, delicate with a very thin edge, especially when it comes to the coverage of the topic of disability in the media headlines. Often in the headlines of printed publications or in the titles of television programs, you can find intolerant idioms or frank emphasis on the signs of a person’s disability. Goal. TThe purpose of this article is to draw attention to violations by journalists when covering people with disabilities in the mass media, as well as to show the illegality of the actions of those publishers who allow such wording in their publications. Methodology. It is logically applicable to systematize the concept of this study, to generalize experience, to use a comparative analysis of the definition of intolerance of headlines in relation to persons with disabilities. The results. The paper analyzes violations in media texts when covering people with disabilities. Scientific novelty. The consists in determining aspects of the negative representation of people with disabilities in the mass media. Practical significance. The analysis of the negative coverage of people with disabilities in the mass media, as well as the presented facts of the illegal actions of those publishers who allow similar wording in their publications, will help in the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.


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How to Cite

Polumysna, O., & Bulatov, V. (2024). INTOLERANCE IN MEDIA HEADLINES CONCERNING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. Theory and Practice of Design, (32), 126–133.

