



leisure centres, public space, spatial analysis, multifunctional centres, architectural and planning organisation; sustainable development; ecological principles, smart city


Goal. Identification of the features of the modern organisation of leisure spaces, the relationship between processes and planning structures of public spaces. Based on the conclusions, build a planning and spatial model of a multifunctional centre Methodology. The article considers the use of the following methods: configuration analysis (by Oliynyk O.P., Dyomin M.M.) to identify the peculiarities of the modern organisation of leisure spaces, the relationship between processes and planning structures of public spaces; analysis of comparative areas and rational use of transit and stationary space. These methods will help to identify the features of the modern organisation of leisure spaces and collect source data for model creation. The results. Based on the research findings, a theoretical model of a multifunctional family leisure centre is proposed. The model takes into consideration the modern needs of visitors and provides for accessibility to public facilities for different ages 2 types of integrated functional load cores have been identified, which have a clear connection and complement each other. Fixed and transit spaces are defined on the basis of the planning structure of a public facility and the movement of visitors. It is recommended that the structure components be further researched and developed. Scientific novelty. The goal is to identify the features of modern leisure centres with core functions and additional functions that also combine service and passive recreation. Based on the spatial analysis and syntactic analysis, we obtained 2 types of models: a model of space and a model of social interaction (activity), and when we layered the results, we obtained a combinatorial configuration of the space of a family leisure centre. Practical relevance. A deep understanding of the loads and functions makes it possible to better integrate the new model of family leisure into the existing urban environment, thus improving infrastructure, territory development, environmental sustainability, barrier-free accessibility.


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How to Cite

Oliynyk, O., & Tokar, M. (2024). СREATION OF A PLANNING-SPATIAL MODEL OF A MULTIFUNCTIONAL LEISURE CENTRE BY METHODS OF SPATIAL SYNTAX. Theory and Practice of Design, (32), 45–52. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2024.32.6

