identification, marking, architectural heritage, urban planning heritage, preservation, protectionAbstract
The article examines the problem of identification and identification of objects of the architectural and urban planning heritage of Ukraine in the modern environment. At present, a significant part of valuable historical architectural objects and town-planning complexes, which are a valuable and unique property of the entire nation, are unknown to society, not researched, their state of preservation is critical or they are only partially preserved. Most often, in the environment of historical settlements, there is no easily accessible and reliable information about objects of architectural and urban planning heritage, marking of protection zones and historical areas. The possibility of spatio-temporal environmental identification of partially preserved objects independently, without outside help, is practically impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out measures for the preservation and protection of valuable historical architectural and town-planning complexes, as well as their familiarization with the help of a set of measures. The concept of «marking» of objects of architectural and urban heritage is currently poorly researched in Ukraine, the term «marking» has not yet received a proper definition and justification in the monument protection legislation, therefore there is a need for a special study of it and the development of methods for selecting means and methods of comprehensive identification of monuments of architecture and urban planning. In the study, we propose to introduce two-level «Identification of objects of architectural and urban planning heritage» in the space of Ukrainian historical cities: Historical-temporal identification, Visual-spatial and urban planning identification. We have proposed the holding security identification, informational and environmental identification based on preliminary identification on the basis of historical descriptive, cartographic, iconographic, etc. of research Goal. The purpose of the article is to determine the actual issue of identification and recognition of the lost and partially lost architectural and urban heritage in the environment of Ukrainian settlements. Methodology. The research uses general scientific methods inherent in historical- architectural research of valuable historical architecture, historical cities: analysis of literary and archival sources, in-kind research and recording, analysis of historical cartographic and iconographic materials. A comparative-historical approach, the principle of objectivity and systematicity, as well as an interdisciplinary approach due to the complex nature of the work are also used. The results. We proposed to introduce a two-level «Identification of objects of architectural and urban planning heritage» in the space of Ukrainian historical cities, which includes historical-temporal identification, visual-spatial and urban planning identification. Scientific novelty. The problem of presenting the value of partially lost monuments of architecture and urban planning in Ukrainian cities, villages and other spaces is revealed. For the first time, the concept of «marking», the means and methods of identification of objects of architectural and urban planning heritage are considered, a two-stage approach to the identification of objects of architectural and urban planning heritage with reference to their individual types of value, environmental and other characteristics are proposed. The use of non-invasive and virtual identification is proposed to reveal the value and present partially lost monuments of architecture and urban planning in the space of settlements.
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