


art object, visual and applied arts, interior design, artistic and compositional methods, visual forms.


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the main artistic and compositional methods of introducing art objects in interior design to create a harmonious aesthetic space. The work uses the main principles of a systematic approach to the analysis of literary sources and practical experience, comparison and generalization, systematization, artistic compositional and structural analysis. Results. Considered the role of artistic and compositional methods of introducing art objects into interior design, their influence on the peculiarities of the perception of interior space and the ability to bring individuality and a special character to the space to improve its aesthetics. The main methods of introducing art objects in the artistic and compositional aspect by using various types and genres of fine and applied art, including also objects of modern art to create a certain image of the room from the point of view of its functional purpose, are formulated. As a result of the structural analysis, the main artistic and compositional methods used in the creative and project practice of designers and artists in the process of introducing art objects in the interior were determined: 1) dominance; 2) symbiosis; 3) integration; 4) destruction. The scientific novelty consists in the research, structuring and definition of the main artistic and compositional methods of introducing art objects in interior design to create a harmonious aesthetic space. Practical Practical relevance. The specified methods can be a useful tool in interior design with the introduction of various art objects in an artistic and compositional aspect. The results of the study recommended the use of the main artistic and compositional methods of introducing Art objects in the interior at the stage of its design and in the process of implementation.


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How to Cite

Pylypchuk, O., Kashchenko, O., & Polubok, A. (2024). ARTISTIC AND COMPOSITIONAL METHODS OF INTRODUCING ART OBJECTS IN INTERIOR DESIGN. Theory and Practice of Design, (31), 153–159.

