
  • Yury Kovalyov Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative Applied Arts and Design
  • Stanislav Antonyuk National Aviation University
  • Irina Kuderska National Aviation University
  • Olexandr Kulibaba Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative Applied Arts and Design
  • Julia Sorokina National Aviation University



theory of self-organization of complex systems, structure of consciousness, focus groups, design concept, design optimization.


Purpose. Establish the structure and state of human consciousness as the basis for defining focus groups in design, taking into account the stages of its evolutionary and life cycle. Methodology. The mathematical basis is the axiomatic wave model of S-space. Modeling the evolution of consciousness and the life cycle – the theory of self-organization of open complex systems. Determination of the structure of consciousness and psychotypes – the scenario (1S, 1O) of self-organization. Verification and calibration of models – comparative analysis of works of art of different eras; humanities and natural sciences data. Results. Theoretical – correlations between channels of human interaction with the environment, structure of consciousness, psychotypes, social stratification of society, needs, stylistic and other features of design for different focus groups. Practical – examples of correlations between the needs of focus groups (or individual customers taking into account their psychological portraits) and design concepts of objects and products. Scientific novelty. Methods, models, specifications and correlations between components of the environment-design object-designer-consumer system. Practical relevance. Formalization and optimization of the definition of needs, selection and evaluation, substantiation of the design concept (relation of the design object to the environment, style, functionality, transformability, volume-planning solutions, provision of sensory comfort), optimization of the design sequence.


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How to Cite

Kovalyov, Y., Antonyuk, S., Kuderska, I., Kulibaba, O., & Sorokina, J. (2024). HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS AS THE BASIS OF FOCUS GROUPS IN DESIGN. Theory and Practice of Design, (31), 107–114.

