


reconstruction, restoration, Soviet period, architecture, built environment


Purpose. Objective of the scientific article is to investigate and analyze the process of reconstruction of this important urban artery during the specified historical period, taking into account its impact on the city’s infrastructure, socio-cultural, and political development, as well as in the context of regional characteristics and transformations of that time. Methodology of the scientific article involves conducting a search and analysis of archival documents related to the reconstruction of Independence Street during the specified period. This includes documents from local authorities, engineering projects, financial documents, and other sources that provide information on the scope of work, allocation of funds, and technical decisions. The research results have shown changes in the infrastructure of Independence Street, including road expansion, sidewalk construction, new water supply, and sewage systems. As a result of the reconstruction, the architectural features of Independence Street were altered, introducing new design elements and architectural styles that reflected the spirit of the era. The reconstruction influenced the use of this urban territory, transforming it into a center of public life and cultural events that enriched the city’s cultural landscape. The study indicates that the political context of the time when the reconstruction took place had a significant impact on the scope and allocation of funds for the project and was part of a larger regional strategic development plan for the city and its infrastructure. The reconstruction of Independence Street proved to be a significant factor in the city’s development and improved the quality of life for its residents by providing convenient transportation, commercial enterprises, and cultural events. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the analysis of specific changes that occurred during the reconstruction of Independence Street, including architectural, infrastructural, and socio-cultural aspects. This analysis reveals previously unknown aspects of the project and its impact on the city’s infrastructure. The study integrates various aspects such as history, architecture, socio-cultural influences, and the political context, providing a comprehensive understanding of the reconstruction process and its significance for the city and the region. The practical significance. The research results can serve as an important resource for urban planning and infrastructure development. They can assist local authorities and planners in making informed decisions regarding the reconstruction and development of the city’s infrastructure. The research highlights architectural and historical features that are crucial for preserving cultural heritage and restoring historical landmarks in the city. Understanding how reconstruction has affected the infrastructure can stimulate new projects and initiatives for further improving the city’s infrastructure and residents’ comfort. The study can enhance the overall historical understanding of the city and its development during a specific period. This can be valuable for education, museums, and tourism promotion. Understanding the history and practices of reconstruction can attract investments for the city’s further development and support infrastructure projects.


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