



architectural theory, architectural environment, cinematic method, film frame, landscape architecture, recreational area, meter, rhythm


Rhythm and Meter in the Composition of Cinematic and Natural Frames when Studying the Architectural Environment of Recreational AreasAbstract This article explores important compositional elements, meter, and rhythm, based on the cinematic method of constructing cinematic and natural frames. The validity of such an approach for studying the architectural environment of both urban areas and recreational zones of any scale is affirmed. In cinematography, visual rhythm can be established through static objects, moving objects, and during editing. Each of these types is characterized, analogies are proposed, and examples in the architectural context are provided. It is emphasized that the overall rhythm of a film directly depends on its genre, while an architect, by manipulating the pace of human flows, causing them to pause or accelerate, narrowing or expanding spaces, can imbue any space with a genre-like quality, as previously investigated by the author. It has been discovered that by utilizing the methodology for analyzing the interplay of open, semi-open, and closed spaces in parks, originally developed by the Soviet scientist Y.K. Kirichek, modern Ukrainian researchers V.V. Minder and I.O. Sydorenko conducted an analysis of several recreational areas within the complex terrain of Kyiv city. The outcome of this analysis involves the examination of rhythmic sequences, which form the basis of the landscape compositions of the parks under consideration. This method correlates with the techniques used in the composition of cinematic frames and natural scenes, as it not only tracks the frequency of spatial changes (rhythm) but also identifies problematic areas such as the absence of dominants, spatial monotony, prolonged darkness, closed-off areas, or, conversely, excessive openness, and more. It has been demonstrated that this methodology can be applied to the architectural environment of the city, especially for the analysis of its extensive spaces, such as streets, boulevards, and pedestrian routes. It is noted that the perception of the rhythm of elements within recreational areas at different speeds (bicycles, scooters, unicycles, etc.) requires separate investigation. It is underscored that the key characteristic of rhythm in any form of art is repetition, which generates movement


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How to Cite

Troshkina, O. (2023). RHYTHM AND METER IN THE COMPOSITION OF CINEMATIC AND NATURAL FRAMES WHEN STUDYING THE ARCHITECTURAL ENVIRONMENT OF RECREATIONAL AREAS. Theory and Practice of Design, (28), 252–259. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2023.28.28

