



classification of topiary forms, topiary forms, hedges, landscaping, topiary gardens, topiary art


The article conciders the problem of creating a unified classification for topiary forms and proposes an improved classification for hedges and topiary forms. This problem is caused by the fact that topiary art was born a long time ago. It has gone through a long way of formation, has experienced prosperity and decline and different times. If topiary forms are collected in special gardens, these gardens are divided according to stylistic features into classical, thematic, collectible and bionic living sculptures. Literary sources describe various hedges and topiaries, which can be geometric or amorphous in shape. Often their names indicate the functions assigned to them. It is proposed to called classic and frame topiaries. The interpretation of frame topiaries by different authors is filled with different meanings, which complicates classification. The interpretation of frame topiaries by different authors is filled with different meanings, which complicates classification. The interpretation of frame topiaries by different authors is filled with different meanings, which complicates classification. Hedges are specific and should be separated from topiary forms into another group. The signs by which classification is recommended are as follows: structure; storage; functions; type; height; number of lines; frontal form; cross section; mobility; decorativeness of containers for mobile figures; decorativeness during the growing season; dangerous qualities. For topiary forms, the following signs are recommended: form; dynamic or static, the presence of a subject Bonsai, penjing, and niwaki should exist independently of topiary. Although imitation nivaki (European nivaki) is included in topiary.; use of frames; decorativeness during the growing season; dangerous qualities. New techniques for creating topiary forms and the emergence of new forms will require constant improvement of the classification. At this stage, it can also be used to assess the decorative qualities of topiaries.


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How to Cite

Honcharenko, Y., Oleksiichenko, N., & Podolkhova, M. (2023). ON THE QUESTION OF THE FORMATION OF THE UNIFIED CLASSIFICATION OF TOPIARY FORMS OF PLANTS. Theory and Practice of Design, (28), 229–236. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2023.28.25

