


design, design management, graphic design, corporate style, advertising, marketing, history, products, image, promotion


The purpose of this publication is to systematize and generalize information about the role of design in the construction of corporate style. Methodology. The following research methods are used in the publication: comparative (when comparing different logos), typological and descriptive methods of analyzing the role of design in the construction of corporate style, generalization (for summarizing the intermediate and final results of the research, formulating conclusions), a comprehensive approach (allowed to subordinate all elements of the content and the form of the proposed article, the goals and objectives of the research). The results. The article establishes the main milestones of the relationship between design and construction of corporate style. Scientific novelty. Reasoned approaches to the development of a marketing strategy for the use of design in the course of developing a corporate style. Practical significance. The conclusions obtained in the article can be used during the preparation of educational materials on the history of corporate style and advertising. Conclusions. Design has been found to play an important role in every dimension of corporate identity, whether it is focusing on an organization’s strengths in a traditional approach, meeting unmet consumer needs in transition or attracting new customers, or successfully leveraging new product development ideas in a transformative business dimension. Graphic design develops the identity of a business through branding, from the creation and layout of the logo, to the choice of colors and associated brand materials used to promote and advertise products. Through graphic design and branding, it helps businesses build values, how product design conveys information, and what emotions the designer wants the target audience to feel. In essence, graphic design and branding go hand in hand. A brand identity cannot be created without visual elements surrounding it. There is a clear connection between corporate identity and brand architecture. An established brand architecture is a prerequisite for starting the process of developing a corporate style. Design management is not the only industry that should be involved in the development and management of corporate style and branding. Corporate style, of course, requires support from the management of a certain company. Resources in the development of a corporate style should be combined from within the firm that develops the corporate style and its external consultants.


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