


gift wrapping, form, associations, purpose, typology, targeting of the product, color scheme, package design


This article examines the ideas and variants of gift wrapping design. For more detailed research the different forms, addresses and purposes of souvenir packaging from different parts of the world are examined to show the difference between creative methods and design approaches, as well as the works of design students of the National Aviation University in Kyiv dedicated to the work of the National Aviation University. In the remaining publications packaging is considered as an element of marketing and communication, as a subject of advertising activities, features features graphic design packages, investigated the importance of corporate identity in the design of packaging, But the peculiarities of figurative solution of gift wrapping and typology of gift wrapping of cardboard depending on the idea, form, content and purpose have not been studied sufficiently. It was found that the design of packaging – the connection of the shape, purpose, materials, color, image, typology and information with additional elements of design and psychology, to make the product suitable for marketing. The main objective of the design of gift wrapping – to create a perfect form, which serves for storage, protection, transportation, storage, identification, and appearance of the product in the market. Based on a study of the works of modern practicing designers and students who have developed souvenir packaging, the main elements that influence the design of souvenir packaging have been identified. Packaging designer creates physical packaging and develops its design for different consumers and industries. Products of each of them – cosmetics, food, drinks, toys, etc., have their own characteristics, dictate a certain form of packaging, lead to certain associations, which, in turn, make adjustments to this form. The qualities of the product, for which the shape and color of the package are created, become the basis for their choice. The food products, which have some kind of fruit flavor, are dressed in a package in the form of the corresponding stylized fruit. The target audience for which the product and its packaging are created is also of great importance. For children, especially for girls, and also for women the best solution will be animalistic packaging, both the form is connected to iconic characters and bright color solutions. Creative individuals and tourists will focus their choice on souvenir packaging associated with myths and legends, which will have historical features or characteristic architectural elements of the country or locality, where they have settled on their travels. Business people will choose more streamlined and pragmatic solution. For kids, the best form of packing will be epathetic. For the boys, the most lucrative might be packaging in the form of a vehicle. However, whoever chooses a souvenir, the person for whom they choose it will play an important role. Souvenir packages of items associated with certain holidays or saints, can take the form of certain symbolic objects associated with these events or holidays. The above features of the souvenir packaging, identified as a result of the research, can help practicing designers in creating a more thorough packing of souvenir products. Due to the conducted research the scientific apparatus of art historians and investigators of contemporary design has been expanded.


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How to Cite

Sidorova, O., Karaut, O., & Harchenko, S. (2023). GIFT AND SOUVENIR PACKAGING DESIGN FEATURES. Theory and Practice of Design, (28), 201–211.

