


QaRt, contemporary art, graphics, semiotics, composition, digitization, artistic style, pixel, geometric composition, infographics, abstraction, associative composition, narrative composition


The article explores the prerequisites and peculiarities of creating a new style called QaRt, which is one of the forms of contemporary graphics that combines traditions with digitalization in art. The QaRt style opens up new possibilities for creativity and provides viewers with a unique experience of perceiving art. The goal of the research is to uncover the artistic perspective of this phenomenon and understand its potential. The methodological framework of the research includes the following approaches and methods: Comparative analysis: the research can be based on the analysis of other directions in contemporary art, traditional graphics, and symbolism. This allows establishing the context and correlation of the QaRt style with other artistic movements. Semiotic analysis: the use of a semiotic approach allows us to consider the QR code as a symbol that carries information and study its usage within the context of the QaRt style. Visual analysis: analyzing compositions, forms, and other visual aspects of the artworks helps to uncover the aesthetic component of the QaRt style and identify the methods of stylization and the use of geometric shapes. Historical analysis: the research includes a retrospective view of the development of graphic art and the use of symbolism in art, particularly within the context of technological changes and digitization. The research findings reveal the distinct characteristics of this new direction in contemporary art and uncover its potential for creativity and viewer perception. The study helps to understand the author’s created rules of stylization and composition that underlie the QaRt style. The scientific novelty lies in the investigation of a new direction in contemporary art that combines traditional graphics with elements of QR code. The study of the QaRt style brings scientific value as it expands the understanding of the possibilities of graphics and the representation of information in art. The practical significance of the research is as follows: development of a new art direction: the art-historical analysis of artworks helps establish the fundamental principles and rules for creating QaRt compositions, which can contribute to the further development of this direction in contemporary art. Increased awareness of the creative potential of QR codes: The analysis shows that QR codes can be used not only as a means of information transmission but also as elements of art, expanding their applications in creative projects and graphic work. Stimulating discussions about the relationship between traditional and contemporary graphics: The analysis of the QaRt style prompts reflections on the interaction of traditional techniques with modern technologies in art. Overall, the research effectively reveals the QaRt style, contributing to its development, the implementation of new ideas, and the popularization of art.


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How to Cite

Nahorniak, K. (2023). VISUAL AESTHETICS OF THE GRAPHIC STYLE QART. Theory and Practice of Design, (28), 183–191.

