


revitalization, Kyiv fortress, Vasylkiv fortification, architectural monument, public space, museum, digital technologies, fortifications, visitors, expositions, integration, heritage


The article aims to show the importance of architectural monuments, in particular the objects of the Vasylkiv Fortification of the Kyiv Fortress, and how the modern development of cities affects the disintegration of the territories of historically important buildings. It also describes what ways of coping there are in our time and how to use objects so that they ensure the development of local initiatives. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach, which includes the analysis of studies of architectural monuments and adjacent buildings, the chronology of construction and the development of the concept of preservation of historical heritage. Due to this, recommendations have been developed for the formation of adaptation of historical buildings to modern functions in the tourist route system. The article deals with the actual problem of preservation of historical heritage. As a result, the specifics of adapting historical complexes to modern functions were determined, using the example of the Kyiv fortress. It is proposed to integrate monuments of architecture or landscape to stimulate economic development and support cultural development. The main proposal is to create a cultural environment, which will include a historical museum and a pedestrian memorial alley. The use of modern technologies in the museum business is proposed in order to improve the number of visits and attract a new audience. The article examines innovative approaches, such as augmented reality, virtual tours, interactive exhibitions and mobile applications, which contribute to a more interesting and meaningful leisure time for visitors. In order to achieve this goal, it is proposed to adapt cultural monuments for holding cultural events, concerts, exhibitions and other events. Based on this, recommendations were also made to replace the traditional formats of expositions and exhibitions with more modern ones aimed at creating a dynamic visit.


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How to Cite

Shershunovych, A. (2023). USE OF INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO PRESERVE AND DEVELOP CULTURAL HERITAGE. Theory and Practice of Design, (28), 124–131.

