



underground space, station complexes, vertical planning, highspeed train movement, transport infrastructure


The purpose of this study is to analyze the global experience of using underground space for the construction of station complexes in large cities, to assess the advantages and disadvantages of implementing such systems, as well as the possibility of implementing similar projects in Ukraine. It is an indisputable fact that in large cities, the resource for growing space in width and height is exhausted or almost exhausted, which necessitates growth in depth with the corresponding development of underground space. The intensive development of transportation systems, the lack of free space in cities, and the complexity of urban living technologies have all given rise to urban development projects around the world that involve not only above-ground but also underground structures method. The issue is particularly dramatic in the transportation sector, as congestion on highways, their negative impact on the environment, intersection of traffic and pedestrian flows, and increased traffic speeds all compromise safety and significantly reduce comfort for the public. That is why this study analyzes projects aimed at developing underground space in large cities to relocate railways, roads, parking areas, and other infrastructure in it, which reduces negative impacts and significantly improves living standards. The practice of applying underground urbanism in the railway sector is not new in the world, and for Ukraine, the use of foreign experience will also help solve urban development, transport and social problems. The paper emphasizes that the introduction of high-speed train traffic in Ukraine will raise additional questions about the construction of new station complexes or the modernization of existing ones. The key factors for the successful implementation of such projects include the convenience of transferring to a high-speed train, which is often possible only if the station complex is located in the central part of the city. Also, the forced reduction in the speed of a high-speed train through the city affects the overall duration of the trip and is perceived negatively by passengers. This raises a number of questions about the organization of train traffic and its interaction with other modes of transport and urban development. The global experience analyzed in this paper emphasizes the attractiveness and efficiency of underground space projects for transport infrastructure and station complexes in particular.


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How to Cite

Chernyshova, O., Stepanchuk, O., & Stepura, V. (2023). EXPERIENCE OF UNDERGROUND URBAN PLANNING IN THE RAILWAY SECTOR. Theory and Practice of Design, (28), 112–123. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2023.28.12

