


deformations, expanded clay aggregate concrete on carbonate sand and cemente-ash astringent, fly ash, regression equation, prism strength, cubic strength, modulus of elasticity, aggregate-structural factor, microcrack formation, limits of the microcracks area, compression deformation


Purpose. The purpose of the research is determination of the deformation properties of expanded clay aggregate concrete on carbonate sand with the replacement of portland cement part for fly ash. Methodology. Models of standard cubes and prisms were used after steaming for 28 and 115 days according to the 3+7+2 regime at t=85±5º. The obtained experimental data were processed using experimental-statistic modeling and calculated using the standard version of the COMPEX-99 program. When the main characteristics of expanded clay aggregate concrete were studying, the Box-Benkin plan with dimension K=3 was used. Results. Regression equations were obtained in the form of polynomials of the second degree, reflecting the dependence of the studied factors influence on the properties of expanded clay aggregate concrete. As a result of preliminary researches, the compositions of expanded clay aggregate concrete on carbonate sand and cement-ash astringent with strength under compression from 12.7 MPa to 28.0 MPa were obtained. It was determined that fly ash doesn’t reduce the strength of concrete, in relation to ordinary expanded clay aggregate concrete. A diagram in the form of a cube, reflecting the influence of cement-ash astringent, aggregatestructural factor and age on prism strength was constructed. It was determined that the strength of the prism increases with an increasing in the consumption of astringent and the age of concrete. For the aggregate-structural factor, the effect on prism strength is reversed. It was concluded that the growth of cube and prism strength over time is similar to the growth for ordinary expanded clay aggregate concrete. It was noticed that the conditions of hardening do not significantly affect the coefficient of prismatic strength. The values of the prismatic strength coefficient are within the range of values for ordinary lightweight concrete. When the values of the aggregate-structural factor change from 0.6 to 0.4 and the consumption of cement-ash astringent increases in the accepted range of variation, the modulus of elasticity increases with the fading intensity. It was established that the increasing of expanded clay aggregate concrete strength leads to increasing the values of the lower and upper regions of micro-cracks for expanded clay aggregate concrete on carbonate sand more than on quartz sand. An increase of the cement-ash astringent increases the micro-cracks area upper limit. The regression quadratic equations of ultimate compressive deformations at the age of 1, 28, 115 days were obtained. Scientific novelty. In the article the deformation properties of expanded clay aggregate concrete on carbonate sand with the replacement of portland cement part for fly ash are determinated. Practical significance. Using fly ash and regional porous aggregates is promising in saving cement and aggregates for construction in residential construction.


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