



architectural and construction systems, plasticity of facades, objects of architecture of fine-grained structure, tectonics, means of expression


Statement of the problem. Considering the interdependence of planning systems and facades, as well as changes in the relationship to tectonics, modern theory recognizes the admissibility of a great variety of compositions corresponding to tectonic approaches; even some of them seem atectonic. The purpose of the publication is the substantiation of new facade systems, which are based on a departure from traditional ideas about tectonics and about the dependence of the compositional structure of the facade on the structural and planning basis. Instead, justifications are provided for attempts to connect the variability of facade systems with construction technologies, each of which offers the architect its own toolkit The research methodology is based on the interpretation of modern theoretical studies of the tectonics of massive buildings, in particular the cell structure and evaluation of the design and construction practice of such buildings. The results of the research provide new approaches and principles of interconnection of volume-planning solutions and plastic organization of facades and modern approaches to tectonics. Taking into account the derived principles, within the framework of one planning basis and architectural and construction system, a palette of facade solutions can be proposed, differing in compositional structures and scale, in particular atectonic ones. At the same time, the expediency of combining various modifications of the plan, which reveal the natural possibilities of form formation, which are provided by the architectural and building system, is confirmed. The scientific novelty of the approach is based on the departure from stereotypical ideas about the tectonics of facades and the formation of facade solutions, based on urban planning scenarios and features of external spaces, perception in typical situations. The practical significance of the revealed models of facades consists in increasing the diversity and expressiveness of the architectural environment, forming integral complexes.


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How to Cite

Buravchenko, S. (2023). TECTONIC PREREQUISITES OF PLASTIC VARIETY OF ARCHITECTURE OBJECTS. Theory and Practice of Design, (28), 12–20. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2023.28.2

